
Results found: 1431
Ukupno rezultata: 1431
Sabor upholds annual report on Government's work
Zagreb - The Sabor on Friday adopted the annual report on the government's activities and supported measures presented by Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic in his report.
Parliament speaker addresses administrative-law conference
Split - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko, speaking at the start of the 7th Croatian-French Administrative-Law Days in Split on Monday, pointed out the importance of the European legal acquis for Croatia after it has joined the European Union and advocated for the rule of law in Croatia in an effort to avoid inadequate valuing of the legal profession.
EP employment committee visits Sabor
Zagreb - The Croatian pension system and employment policy, particularly for the young, are the topics that most interested a delegation of the European Parliamentary Employment and Social Affairs Committee which visited the Croatian Sabor on Thursday.
Croatian parliament enacts 145 laws since April
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament was in session for 39 days or 266 hours from April to mid-July, discussing 197 items and enacting 145 laws, statistics presented to the press show. MPs spent 1.3 hours on average discussing each item on the agenda, and of the 145 laws adopted, as many as 81 were adopted unanimously.
European Affairs Committee holds first session
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's European Affairs Committee, which was inaugurated last week, held its first session on Wednesday at which the head of the office of the Lithuanian Embassy in Zagreb, Deividas Stankevicius, presented the priorities of Lithuania's EU presidency.
Sabor Speaker, Catholic Bishops' Conference head hold talks
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and the chairman of the Croatian Bishops' Conference (HBK), the Archbishop of Zadar, Zelimir Puljic, on Monday held talks on the relations between the Catholic Church and the government and Croatia's European Union membership.
Croatian Parliament appoints Committee on European Affairs
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament appointed a Committee on European Affairs on Friday. The Committee chairman is Daniel Mondekar of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) and his deputies are Gordan Jandrokovic of the opposition Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and Jozo Rados of the Croatian People's Party, a junior partner in the ruling coalition.
Sabor commemorates Srebrenica genocide
Zagreb - The Croatian Sabor on Thursday commemorated the victims of the Srebrenica massacre committed in 1995, at a ceremony with the message - Never again and a minute's silence.
Croatian parliament speaker attends working breakfast with EU ambassadors
Zagreb - Croatia is an incomparably better, more democratic and prosperous country today than it was in 2000 and especially than it was in 1990, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Wednesday at a working breakfast with European Union ambassadors.
Parliament speaker receives Tunisian ambassador
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday received the Vienna-based Tunisian Ambassador to Croatia, Mohamed Samir Koubaa, for talks on the democratic transition in Tunisia, the assistance Croatia can extend in that regard, and the development of economic and cultural relations.
Parliament speaker receives papal nuncio
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday received the Papal Nuncio to Croatia, Alessandro D'Errico, for talks on Croatia's European Union membership, relations with the Catholic Church, and the position of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Croatian parliament speaker visits Azerbaijan
Zagreb - Croatia recognises Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and will continue with this policy also as a member of the European Union, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Friday in Baku, as carried by Azerbaijani media.
Schulz praises Croatia as pioneer with true European spirit
Zagreb - European Parliament President Martin Schulz praised Croatia as "a pioneer with a true European spirit" which "demonstrated that through determination and hard work EU membership can be achieved" during his speech in Zagreb's main square on Sunday night as Croatia was celebrating its entry into the European Union.
Croatian flag raised in front of EP in Strasbourg
Strasbourg - The flag of Croatia, the 28th member of the European Union, and the EU flag were ceremoniously raised in front of the European Parliament building in Strasbourg on Monday before a plenary session of the European Parliament. Before the raising of the flags, the ceremony was briefly addressed by Croatian Parliament President Josip Leko and European Parliament President Martin Schulz.
Lithuania at EU helm
Zagreb - Lithuania became the first of the three Baltic states to take over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on Monday, July 1.
Leko says Croatia, EU building shared future
Zagreb - Croatia will become a member of the European Union on July 1 but its job does not end there; it will be faced with new challenges which it can overcome by being responsible and credible in building a shared European future, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Saturday at a special parliamentary sitting held on the occasion of Croatia's EU entry.
Parliament speaker says Croatia to continue supporting refugee returns
Briševo - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Sunday Croatia would continue to strongly support the right of all refugees to return to prewar homes, notably Bosnian Croat refugees, of whom too little had returned to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Croatian and German parliament heads meet and discuss cooperation
Zagreb - At the end of his visit to Berlin on the occasion of the ratification of Croatia's European Union accession treaty in the Bundesrat, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko met with the president of the German upper house, Winfried Kretschmann, with whom he spoke about cooperation between the two countries once Croatia joins the EU, the Sabor reported on Friday.
Bundesrat unanimously ratifies Croatia's EU accession treaty
Berlin - The upper house of the German parliament, the Bundesrat, on Friday unanimously ratified Croatia's Treaty of Accession with the European Union which marked the completion of the parliamentary procedure of the treaty's ratification in Germany, the last EU member state to confirm Croatia's membership of the bloc as of 1 July.
Creation of Croatian state started in parliament, says speaker
Zagreb - The creation of the present-day, independent, modern and democratic Croatian state began in the Croatian parliament on 30 May 1990, Speaker Josip Leko said on Wednesday at a celebration of Croatian Parliament Day.
Gedvilas praises Croatia for being important example in the region
Zagreb - Lithuania supports Croatia's forthcoming admission to the European Union and regards Croatia as an important example for other countries in the region and considers its entry into the European family as an encouragement to other countries, the Speaker of Lithuania's Seimas (parliament), Vydas Gedvilas, said in Zagreb on Tuesday after meeting his Croatian counterpart Josip Leko.
Bundestag ratifies Croatia's EU accession treaty
Zagreb - The Bundestag on Thursday ratified Croatia's European Union accession treaty, bringing this process only a step away from formal completion. The treaty was ratified with 583 votes in favour and six abstentions. It now needs to be technically approved by the Bundesrat at a plenary session which begins on June 7.
Croatian parliament speaker meets with Polish president
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko met with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski in Zagreb on Tuesday for talks on the role of national parliaments in decision making processes in the European Union, Croatia's accession to the EU in time of a crisis, and continuation of the EU enlargement process.
Denmark ratifies Croatia's EU accession treaty
Kopenhagen - Denmark on Thursday ratified Croatia's European Union accession treaty as the second last member country to do so. The Danish parliament unanimously ratified the treaty, with all 113 deputies in attendance, with the assessment that Croatia is fully ready to join the Union, having carried out the necessary reforms and meeting all membership requirements.
EU-Croatia JPC adopts joint recommendation
Split - The European Union-Croatia Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) held its 17th meeting in Split's Le Meridien Lav hotel on Tuesday and adopted a proposed joint recommendation consisting of ten points which, among other things, welcomes Croatia's accession to the EU and the positive final European Commission's comprehensive monitoring report released in March.
Plenkovic: Schengen area and European Semester crucial for Croatia
Split - In the first months after Croatia's accession to the European Union, its preparations for entry into the passport-free Schengen zone and participation in the European Semester will be crucial, the head of the Croatian Parliament Delegation to the Croatia-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee Andrej Plenković said.
EU-Croatia Joint Parliamentary Committee visits Brodosplit shipyard
Split - A delegation of the EU-Croatia Joint Parliamentary Committee visited the Brodosplit shipyard on Monday and discussed with the management the situation in the dock recently purchased by the DIV company. The delegation was led by the Committee co-chairs, Croatian MP Andrej Plenkovic and Swedish member of the European Parliament Gunnar Hökmark. They were accompanied by the head of the European Union Delegation to Croatia, Paul Vandoren.
EP Culture and Education Committee visits Sabor
Zagreb - Members of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education on Monday visited the Croatian Sabor where they held talks with Croatian lawmakers and government members on the implementation of the Bologna Process, life-long learning and communication between education and economy and also about Croatia's participation in the EP's fight against match-fixing.
Croatian parliament speaker receives UN special rapporteur on disability
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko received the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability, Shuaib Chalklen, in Zagreb on Monday. Leko said that the treatment of persons with disabilities and the need for their inclusion into society was one of the most important social issues in Croatia.
Leko and Merten discuss NATO's annual meeting in Dubrovnik
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko met with US Ambassador Kenneth Herbert Merten in Zagreb on Thursday to discuss an annual meeting of NATO's Parliamentary Assembly which is due to take place in Dubrovnik in October.
Croatian parliament speaker has several bilateral meetings in Cyprus
Nicosia - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko had bilateral meetings with several counterparts on the sidelines of a conference of EU parliament speakers in Nicosia on Monday. Leko met with European Parliament Vice-President Miguel Angel Martinez, German Parliament Speaker Norbert Lammert, Lithuanian Parliament Speaker Vydas Gedvilas and Montenegrin Parliament Speaker Ranko Krivokapic.
Slovak deputy parliament speaker Lassakova visits Sabor
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Thursday received the Deputy Speaker of the Slovak Parliament Jana Lassakova and expressed satisfaction that he could confirm the friendly-like and partner-like relations between the two countries.
European Parliament says Croatia ready for EU membership
Strasbourg - The European Parliament, meeting in a plenary session in Strasbourg on Thursday, adopted by a large majority of votes the last resolution on Croatia before it joins the European Union on July 1, saying that the country is completely ready for membership and calling for further reforms so that citizens of Croatia could profit from EU membership.
Parliament speaker congratulates Croatian MEPs on election
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Wednesday congratulated all MPs elected to the European Parliament on Sunday, wishing them success in their work and to represent Croatian citizens' interests well.
Media committee supports VAT reduction on press
Zagreb - The Croatian parliamentary Committee on Information, Computerisation and the Media on Thursday supported a bill on Value Added Tax (VAT) with a majority vote which proposes that VAT be reduced to 5 per cent for daily newspapers.
Parliament Speaker receives Belgian Deputy PM Reynders
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Thursday received Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs Didier Reynders for talks on Croatia's upcoming accession to the European Union.
Belgium completes ratification of Croatia's EU accession treaty
Zagreb - Belgium has completed the ratification of Croatia's European Union accession treaty which, after being signed by the foreign minister during the day, will be forwarded to King Albert II for signing, it was said in Zagreb on Thursday.
Croatian parliament speaker says Croatia one of Mediterranean positive stories
Zagreb/Marseilles - Croatia is one of the positive Mediterranean stories as in only 15 years from the end of the war and peaceful reintegration of the Danube River Region, the country is on the threshold of te European Union, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said at a summit meeting of parliament presidents from Union for Mediterranean member-states, in Marseille on Sunday.
EU market huge opportunity and challenge to Croatia
Zagreb - The Croatian parliamentary Committee on the Economy and a delegation of the European Parliament's Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) on Wednesday held a joint meeting concerning Croatia's preparations to participate in the European Union internal market with its 500 million consumers which represents a great opportunity but also a challenge for Croatian businessmen and for Croatian citizens for whom this will also be an opportunity for better living conditions.
Slovenia ratifies Croatia-EU accession treaty
Ljubljana - Slovenia's parliament on Tuesday ratified Croatia's Treaty of Accession to the European Union, as the 23rd member in the 27-strong bloc to do so in good time for Croatia to join the EU on 1 July, as scheduled. The ratification of the document in Slovenia's 90-seat legislature required a two-third majority, and during today's sitting, all 82 deputies who attended the ratification voted in favour.
Parliament speaker wishes happy Easter to all faithful in Croatia
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Friday extended his best wishes to all faithful in Croatia celebrating Easter according to the Gregorian calendar, the Office of the Parliament Speaker said in a statement.
Denmark says Croatia deservedly joining EU
Zagreb - Croatia has worked hard and it had an objective in mind so as to prepare for joining the European Union which is why it will deservedly become the 28th member of the bloc, Danish European Affairs Minister Nicolai Wammen said on Tuesday, welcoming the European Commission final monitoring report on Croatia.
Füle congratulates Croatia on excellent job
Zagreb - European Union Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle said in Zagreb on Tuesday that Croatia had met all commitments and requirements for EU membership and there was no need for further monitoring.
Germany not considering post-accession monitoring for Croatia
Zagreb - Germany is not considering the possibility of monitoring for Croatia after it joins the European Union, the Bundesrat commissioner for EU enlargement, Jürgen Martens, said in Zagreb on Wednesday.
Croatia hosts Turkish parliament speaker
Zagreb - Croatia and Turkey have intensive political cooperation which needs to be followed by more dynamic economic and trade cooperation and the parliaments of both countries can contribute in this regard, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and his guest, the Speaker of the Parliament of Turkey Cemil Cicek said on Tuesday.
Migliori talks democratic progress and environment in visit to Mongolia
Ulanbataar – Mongolia, the OSCE's newest participating State, has made admirable progress but should remain vigilant about sustaining its environmental resources, President Riccardo Migliori said today after a day of meetings in the capital Ulanbataar.
Montenegrin parliamentary delegation visits Croatian parliament
Zagreb - The chairman of the Croatian Parliament Committee on Home Affairs and National Security, Miroslav Tudjman, and the chairman of the Committee on Defence, Tomislav Ivic, met on Thursday with a visiting delegation of the Montenegrin Parliament Committee on Security and Defence.
Croatian parliament speaker receives Bosnian Croat association
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Wednesday received representatives of the Bosnian Croat association "Prsten" who informed him of the association's activities.
Hahn urges Croatia to prepare as well as possible for EU funds absorption
Bruxelles - The European Commission wants to ensure that Croatia is prepared as well as possible for the absorption of EU funds and wants preparations to be speeded up so that no time is wasted, Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn said on Thursday.
Parliamentary official, German MP talk Croatia's EU entry
Zagreb -The chair of the parliamentary European Integration Committee, Daniel Mondekar, on Thursday received the deputy chair of the CDU/CSU group in the German parliament, Andreas Schockenhoff, for talks on Croatia's accession to the European Union, the Croatian parliament said in a press release.