e-Doc legislative database

e-Doc is a database developed and maintained by the Information and Documentation Department. In carrying out some of its fundamental tasks, the Department processes, both formally and in terms of content, all acts of Parliament, transcripts, questions posed to the Government by MPs as well as amendments and stores the full versions thereof in e-Doc.

data-base on bills in progress – keeps track of the ‘history’ of various forms of legislation – from the moment a bill is placed into procedure, to its enactment and publication in official journals – data on sponsors, sessions at which specific legislation is debated, readings, voting results…

data-base of recorded minutes from sessions – contains data on plenary sessions – establishment of the agenda, course of Question Time, complete texts of statements made in debate by MPs at plenary sessions (and data on the number, type and duration of statements), complete texts of statements made by sponsors of legislation, and an overview of disciplinary measures (censures, removal from the floor, warnings before expulsion, and expulsions).

Crolex data-base – data-base containing the laws of the Republic of Croatia (access with username and password, which MPs and parliamentary staff can obtain from the Information and Documentation Department)

Narodne novine RH – the official gazette of the Republic of Croatia

EVA – data-base of the Croatian national news agency HINA

HINA – information services of the Croatian News Agency HINA

sources of information on CD ROM

The Department has a reference collection, and it also has subscriptions to all of the most important Croatian daily newspapers, weeklies and magazines, and selected foreign periodicals. 

The Department also has a reading room, which is equipped with computers with Internet access, in which deputies can use reference literature and electronic data sources.

At the customers’ request, the Department staff searches the databases of the European Union (Celex, Prelex ...) as well as of other international organizations.