
Results found: 1437
Ukupno rezultata: 1437
Jandroković: Let's turn to the future and modern times
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković greeted Croatian citizens in the country and abroad on the occasion of Independence Day, calling on lawmakers to turn to topics of the future and challenges of the modern era. 
Parliament Speaker extends Antifascist Struggle Day message
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday congratulated all Croatian citizens on Antifascist Struggle Day, saying the values of antifascism were built into the foundations of independent and sovereign Croatia.
Croatian Parliament amends state budget
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday amended the state budget for this year, under which revenues would increase by HRK 3 billion to 150.3 billion and expenditures by HRK 9.4 billion to 167.4 billion, while the general government deficit would grow from the initially planned 2.9% to 3.8% of GDP.
New law stimulates solar power for households
Zagreb - The new law on the electricity market "absolutely" stimulates solar power for households, state secretary in the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Energy Ivo Milatić said on Wednesday, presenting the bill in Parliament.
The budget revision: FinMin says budget revision primarily necessary because of healthcare debts
Zagreb - Finance Minister Zdravko Marić reiterated on Wednesday that the budget revision was not primarily related to COVID-19 but to the problems in healthcare and settling debts to drug wholesalers after all the legal possibilities of resolving that through budget reallocation had been exhausted. Hence the major part of the proposed increase in expenditure will go to the health sector, with an additional HRK 2.8 billion secured for that, Marić said in Parliament.
Sabor takes note of Ombudswoman's reports, adopts report by State Audit Office
Zagreb - The parliament adopted with 112 votes in favour of the Ombudswoman's report on the right to a healthy life and climate change in Croatia in the period from 2013 to 2020 in the context of the global climate movement and the coronavirus pandemic. The parliament also adopted by a majority vote a report on the work of the State Audit Office in 2020, which shows that the office submitted 185 audit reports to the parliament in 2020. Of those reports,160 referred to financial audits and 25 to audits of efficiency in the management of public funds.
Sabor appoints new members of Hina steering Council
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday adopted several decisions on appointments and replacements, including for Hina's Steering Council. The parliament appointed and relieved four of the five members of Hina's Steering Council of their duties.
Parliamentary majority slams opposition motion, opposition cites health minister's "sins"
Zagreb - Parliamentary opposition parties have filed a joint motion for a vote of no confidence in Health Minister Vili Beroš over the accumulated problems in the healthcare sector.
Members of Parliament hope for a revival of capital market
Zagreb - Amendments to the Capital Market Act, which are aimed at further aligning Croatia's regulatory framework with the EU acquis, were supported on Wednesday by both the Opposition and the ruling majority in the Parliament, who expressed hopes for the revival of the capital market. 
Judiciary Committee to interview all candidates for Supreme Court president
Zagreb - The parliament's Judiciary Committee on Tuesday decided unanimously to call a new session to which it will invite all five candidates for the Supreme Court president and interview them, after which it will make a decision that is non-binding on the proposer, the President of the Republic.
Parliament: Ombudswoman should be a bridge in human rights protection
Zagreb - Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter said in the Parliament on Thursday that the institution of Ombudswoman should be a bridge between all stakeholders involved in human rights protection and that it was important for the Parliament to regularly discuss its reports. 
Lawmakers call for strengthening absorption capacity for EU funds
Zagreb - Croatian lawmakers on Wednesday agreed on the need to strengthen the administrative and absorption capacity for the use of EU funds and to further simplify and standardise the rules.
Future of Europe: Successful Croatian stories
Zagreb - Successful Croatian stories and a plan to include citizens in Europe's development were presented on Tuesday at the Croatian Parliament, during the first part of the "Conference on the Future of Europe - Croatia's Vision," during which Speaker Gordan Jandroković entered a debate with a robot.
Future of Europe: Digital and green transformation
Zagreb - Digital and green transformation is Croatia's and Europe's future, participants in the second part of the "Conference on the Future of Europe - A Vision of Croatia", held at the Croatian Parliament on Tuesday.
Parliament Speaker on importance of digital technology in policy-making
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday participated at a conference of EU parliament speakers, a regular meeting to discuss current issues regarding the role of the parliament, and to coordinate parliamentary activities in the EU. 
Parliament adopts several laws relating to the farm sector
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday amended the Animal Husbandry Act regulating conditions for the breeding and protection of the Carniolan honey bee, a species native to Croatia and favoured among bee-keepers for its extraordinary production traits. 
New regulation: Declaring cash of €10,000 or more when entering or leaving the EU soon obligatory
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday adopted a law whereby as of 3 June physical entities are obliged to declare cash of €10,000 or more which they carry to and from the European Union.
Parliament discusses new regulation for controls on cash entering or leaving EU
Zagreb - The Social Democratic Party (SDP) and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) parliamentary caucuses on Wednesday discussed the government-sponsored proposal whereby physical entities are obliged to declare cash of €10,000 or more which they carry to and from the European Union.
MPs support greater use of renewable energy sources
Zagreb - Members of Parliament on Thursday endorsed an initiative to increase the use of renewable energy sources in transport in the period until 2030 but also warned that Croatia mostly depends on imports for biofuels.
Croatian National Bank Governor says GDP contracted by 7.8% in H1 2020
Zagreb - As a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic and earthquakes real GDP in the first half of 2020 contracted by 7.8% year-on-year, due to a drop in personal consumption, investments and exports, while government spending rose mildly, Croatian National Bank Governor Boris Vujčić said in Parliament on Thursday.
Parliament debates work of State Commission for Public Procurement Supervision
Zagreb - The Homeland Movement (DP) on Friday strongly criticised the State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement Procedures (DKOM), saying its head Maja Kuhar "built her career during the term of the (Zoran) Milanović government" and calling Croatia one of the most corrupt countries globally.
Lawmakers commend greater protection of ATMs
Zagreb - Lawmakers on Thursday commended a bill that will introduce electrochemical protection at all external ATMs over the next three years and in practice that means that in case of burglary, banknotes will be made unusable by an electrochemical device.
Prime Minister: National recovery plan should help overcome crisis
Zagreb - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković presented the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to Parliament on Wednesday, saying that it should help Croatia overcome the present crisis.
Parliament adopts amendments to Local Elections Act
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted amendments to the Local Elections Act which introduce stricter criteria for the nomination of candidates for municipal heads, mayors, county heads and their deputies.
Parliament Speaker issues message for 50th International Romani Day
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković congratulated the Roma national minority in Croatia on the 50th anniversary of International Romani Day.
In his Easter message, Parliament Speaker Jandroković called for solidarity and unity
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday extended his best wishes to all Christian believers who celebrate Easter. In his message, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković called for solidarity and unity in the present challenging circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic and last year's earthquakes.
Parliament Speaker offers his best wishes to Jewish faithful for Passover
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday issued message offering their best wishes to the Jewish faithful on the occasion of Passover.
Sabor postpones population census until autumn
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday voted for the postponement of the population census, which was originally set for the spring but will now be conducted in the autumn.
Within the Twinning Project, Žarko Tušek and Danica Baričević hosted an inter-parliamentary conference on the economics of European integration
Zagreb - Chairman of the Committee on the Economy Žarko Tušek and Committee Member Danica Baričević hosted an inter-parliamentary videoconference on the economic aspects of European integration. The conference was attended by the parliaments of Hungary, Austria, and Bosnia, and Herzegovina.
Parliament amends law to ban large-scale hydraulic fracturing
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Friday supported by a majority vote amendments to the Act on Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation enhancing the transparency of those processes, with public participation, and banning large-scale hydraulic fracturing.
Tena Šimonović Einwalter elected Public Ombudswoman
Zagreb - Lawyer Tena Šimonović Einwalter is the new Public Ombudswoman, the Croatian parliament decided on Friday by secret ballot.
Sabor’s Agriculture Committee participates in Twinning Project to support BiH’s path to EU membership
Zagreb - Marijana Petir, Chairwoman of the Agriculture Committee of the Croatian Parliament, and Committee Members Stipan Šašlin and Ljubomir Kolarek participated in the inter-parliamentary videoconference of committees responsible for agriculture organized by the Hungarian National Assembly within the Twinning Project “Empowerment and further support to the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina in EU integration tasks”.
Parliament discusses candidates for Public Ombudsman
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday discussed a proposal by the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders, and Political System to nominate attorney and judge Sandra Hančić and Deputy Public Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter for the post of Public Ombudsman.
Parliament Speaker issues message on International Women's Day
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Monday that although a lot had been done in including women in public, professional and political life, further efforts should be made to reach the highest standards in gender equality.
Parliament elects 7 members of public broadcaster's Programming Council
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday elected by secret ballot seven members of the Croatian Radio-Television (HRT) Programming Council. They are Nikola Baketa (99 votes), Vlaho Bogišić (101), Đemal Bratić (89), Ivica Lučić (89), Zorislav Lukić (83), Robert Markt (85) and Ozana Ramljak (92).
Sabor: About 75 kg of food thrown out in Croatia annually per head
Zagreb - About 75 kilograms of food is thrown out each year in Croatia per head, lawmakers underlined on Thursday during a debate on an agriculture bill which among other things regulates the prevention of waste food.
Opposition says agricultural production in ruin
Zagreb - During Thursday's debate on amendments to the Agriculture Act, the parliamentary opposition said Croatia's agriculture was collapsing due to poor policies, while Minister Marija Vučković dismissed such claims and said that agricultural production was growing.
MEPs Cappelli, Vidović, Vukas, and Bačić participated in the Interparliamentary Conference on the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy
Zagreb/Lisbon - The delegation of the Croatian Parliament, consisting of the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee Gari Cappelli, Chair of the Defence Committee Franko Vidović, Chair of the Domestic Policy and National Security Committee Nikša Vukas as well as the Head of the Delegation of the Croatian Parliament to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Ante Bačić, participated in the Inter-Parliamentary Videoconference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union, hosted by the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic.
Parliament Speaker Jandroković: Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić has left a mark for several generations of Zagreb residents
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday sent condolences to the family of Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić, who passed away from heart attack, underscoring that Bandić's distinctive style in managing the city and many projects have left a mark for several generations of local residents.
Parliamentary Committee on the Family, Youth, and Sports: Much greater funds needed for the prevention of peer violence
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on the Family, Youth, and Sports said on Wednesday, on National Anti-Bullying Day, that there is growing peer violence on social networks, underscoring that this year the competent ministry has allocated much greater funds for the prevention of peer violence.
Four candidates for Public Ombudsman to be interviewed next Tuesday
Zagreb - The Parliament's Constitution and Standing Orders Committee will on March 2 interview four candidates for the Public Ombudsman who could be elected on March 7.
European Parliamentary Week 2021
Zagreb - European Parliament (EP) together with the parliamentary dimension of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), has organised this year's European Parliamentary Week 2021.
Amendments adopted to Croatian Qualifications Framework Act
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday adopted a bill of amendments to the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act to define 13 instead of 11 existing education qualification levels.
Public Ombudswoman submits report on right to healthy life to the Parliament
Zagreb - Public Ombudswoman Lora Vidović has submitted to the Croatian Parliament a special report on the right to a healthy life, in which she shows the connection between human rights and environmental protection.
MPs call for shortening the five-year deadline for electrochemical ATM protection
Zagreb - Croatian lawmakers on Thursday welcomed a government proposal under which electrochemical protection would have to be installed in all external ATMs, but said that the deadline of five years to do so was too long and should be shortened.
Members of the Judiciary Committee and the European Affairs Committee held a videoconference with the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders
Zagreb - Members of the Judiciary Committee and the European Affairs Committee held a videoconference with the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders and discussed the first European Commission 2020 Annual Rule of Law Report and the accompanying Country Chapter on the rule of law situation in Croatia.
State secretary says railway system to undergo comprehensive reform
Zagreb - The State Secretary at the Transport Ministry, Alen Gospočić, said on Wednesday in Parliament that 2021 was "the year of the railway" and that a major reform of the railway system would be launched, with projects currently amounting to three billion euros.
MPs Hajduković, Glavašević and Stier participated in an online Interparliamentary Conference of committees for EU affairs
Zagreb - Chair of the European Affairs Committee Domagoj Hajduković, Deputy Chair Bojan Glavašević and Member of the Committee Davor Ivo Stier participated in an online Interparliamentary Conference of committees for EU affairs organised by the Austrian Parliament as part of the Twinning Project "Empowerment and further support to the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina in EU integration tasks”.
MPs support strengthening the role of Croatian Competition Agency
Zagreb - Members of parliament on Wednesday held a debate on amendments to the Competition Act and supported strengthening the role of the Croatian Competition Agency (AZTN).
Parliament adopts National Development Strategy until 2030
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted the National Development Strategy until 2030, an overarching strategic document for national development that will provide a framework for the preparation of all local, regional and national strategies.