About the Conference
The inter-parliamentary conference “Contribution of National Parliaments to Improving the Common Agricultural Policy” will be held on 25 September 2023 in the Croatian Parliament.
The topics for discussion at the Conference include: challenges and opportunities of the Common Agricultural Policy, Declaration on GMO-free Alps-Adriatic-Danube Region, and initiatives of national parliaments aimed at improving the instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy.
The Agriculture Committees of the parliaments of the European Union Member States and other countries from the Alps-Adriatic-Danube region will be invited to the Conference.

Inter-parliamentary conference on the contribution of national parliaments to improving the CAP kicks-off in the Croatian Parliament
Zagreb - Marking the tenth anniversary of Croatia’s membership in the European Union, the Agriculture Committee of the Croatian Parliament organized an inter-parliamentary conference on the contribution of national parliaments to the improvement of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.

National parliaments presented their initiatives to improve the CAP at the third panel of the conference
Zagreb – The Chairwoman of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee of the Parliament of Finland, Jenna Simula, and the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Cyprus, Yiannakis Gavriel, introduced the topic of national parliaments’ initiatives.

Second panel of the international conference on the contribution of national parliaments to improving the CAP dedicated to the Declaration on GMO-free Alps-Adriatic-Danube region
Zagreb - Chairwoman of the Agriculture Committee, Marijana Petir, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture of the Hungarian Parliament Sándor Font and Executive Director of the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food Darja Sokolić presented their keynote speeches about the Declaration on GMO-free Alps-Adriatic-Danube region and the review of the proposals for new European Commission Regulations concerning plants obtained by new genomic techniques and the production and marketing of plant reproductive material.