7th term of the Croatian Parliament (22 December 2011 - 28 December 2015)

Judiciary Committee

Scope of work

The Judiciary Committee shall establish and monitor the implementation of policy, and in procedures to enact legislation and other regulations it shall have the rights and duties of the competent working body in matters pertaining to:
- the establishment, structure, jurisdiction and operating methods of the courts,
- the establishment, structure, jurisdiction and operating methods of the public prosecution,
- the establishment, structure, jurisdiction and operating methods of magistrates’ courts and other bodies authorised to conduct lawsuits for minor infractions,
- the structure, jurisdiction and operating methods of the National Judicial Council,
- the issuing of prior opinions in procedures for the election and recall of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia,
- the issuing prior opinions on the appointment and dismissal of the Chief Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Croatia,
- the issuing of opinions on the National Judicial Council in procedures for the appointment and dismissal of judges,
- petitions to initiate and implement nomination procedures for members of the National Judicial Council and the proposal of their election to Parliament,
- the establishment of grounds for the dismissal of a member of the National Judicial Council prior to the end of the period for which they were appointed and the submission of requests for dismissal,
- petitions to initiate nomination procedures for members of the Public Prosecution Council by the Chief Public Prosecutor and the dean of the Faculty of Law,
- the determination of candidates for membership in the Public Prosecution Council from among the ranks of deputies in Parliament,
- the establishment of grounds for the dismissal of members of the Public Prosecution Council prior to the end of the period for which they were appointed and the submission of requests for dismissal,
- the structure, jurisdiction and operating methods of the notary public service,
- the structure and operating methods of the attorney profession,
- ownership and other proprietary rights, contractual and other civil-legal relations,
- the regulation of criminal material and procedural rights and minor offence law and the execution of legal sanctions,
- matters of amnesty and pardons,
- the regulation of court proceedings,
- other judicial matters.

Appointed members
Danijel Kardum, member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Mihajlo Dika, Ph. D., member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Berislav Pavišić, Ph. D., member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Katarina Ćosić, member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Dražen Bošnjaković, member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Ljiljana Levatić-Uskoković, member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals