
Results found: 1431
Ukupno rezultata: 1431
Croatia ratifies protocol on North Macedonia's admission to NATO
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday ratified North Macedonia's NATO accession protocol with 116 lawmakers voting in favour of the country's accession to the alliance as its 30th member and two being against.
North Macedonia's NATO membership supported by all but one Croatian parliamentary party
Zagreb - During a parliamentary debate on the ratification of the protocol of North Macedonia's admission to the North Atlantic Treaty, a majority of Croatian parliamentary clubs supported the the entry of the 30th member into NATO, explaining that this would make the Euro-Atlantic space safer and more stable, whereas opposition party Human Shield lawmakers used the debate to express their criticism against the alliance.
Parliamentary committee supports Maletić's candidacy for EU Court of Auditors
Zagreb - The parliamentary European Affairs Committee on Wednesday supported, by a majority vote and one vote against, MEP Ivana Maletic's (HDZ) candidacy for a member of the European Court of Auditors in the period from 2019 to 2025, with Maletić saying that she would freeze her membership in the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) for that period.
MPs Ines Strenja and Petar Škorić participated in the 4th meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on the Europol (JPSG)
Bucharest - Deputy chairman of the Committee on Domestic Policy and National Security Mr Petar Škorić and member of the Committee Ms Ines Strenja participated in the 4th meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on the Europol (JPSG) held on 24 and 25 February 2019 in Bucharest. 
The Sabors delegation participated at the European Parliamentary Week 2019
Bruxelles – Chair of the Finance and Central Budget Committee, Grozdana Perić, Chair of the Labour, Retirement System and Social Partnership Committee, Gordan Maras, Deputy Chair of the Committee on Regional Development and European Union Funds, Damir Mateljan, Member of the Labour, Retirement System and Social Partnership Committee, Ante Babić and the Member of the Committee on the Economy, Žarko Tušek, participated at the European Parliamentary Week 2019.
INA privatisation law amended
Zagreb - The government-sponsored bill of amendments to the INA Privatisation Law was adopted on Wednesday with 74 votes in favour and two against in the national parliament.
Parliament rejects SDP's interpellation on failed fighter jet purchase
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday rejected conclusions from a motion to discuss the government's work over the failed purchase of F-16 fighter jets from Israel, with 79 MPs voting against the interpellation submitted by the Social Democratic Party (SDP), 43 voting in favour and three abstaining.
Parliament decides: No referendums on election law changes, Istanbul Convention
Zagreb - There will be no referendums on changes to the election law or on repealing the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the Croatian Parliament decided by a majority vote on Friday.
Government sends to Parliament amendments to Police Act
Zagreb - Future reports on police work will be written by the Chief of Police who will then submit them to the interior minister who will forward them to the government and the government will forward them to Parliament by 1 June at the latest, according to amendments to the Police Act which the government on Thursday forwarded to Parliament.
Croatian Parliament Speaker condemns Tajani's statement
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday condemned in the strongest terms as inappropriate a statement that European Parliament President Antonio Tajani made at the Basovizza pit near Trieste, downplaying the consequences of the fascist regime, saying "Long live Italian Istria, long live Italian Dalmatia."
Jandroković meets with Austrian parliamentary delegation
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday met with an Austrian parliamentary delegation led by the chairman of the Permanent Sub-Committee on EU Affairs of the National Council, Reinhold Lopatka, and the chairman of the EU Committee of the Federal Council, Christian Buchmann.
Committee on the Constitution: Prerequisites not met to call referenda
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System on Wednesday decided with 11 votes in favour and one against that the prerequisites were not met to call referendums as proposed by the "People Decide" and the "Truth about the Istanbul Convention" civil society initiatives.
Croatian Parliament Speaker and Greek President discuss ways of strengthening bilateral cooperation
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and visiting Greek President Prokopios Pavlopoulos met on Tuesday to discuss ways of strengthening bilateral cooperation in all areas of common interest.
Parliament soon to decide on declaring 22 February Croatian Glagolitic Script Day
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament is expected to soon decide on the initiative to declare Croatian Glagolitic Script Day on 22 February. Croatian Glagolitic Script Day is to be observed on 22 February in memory of the publishing of Missale Romanum Glagolitice (Croatian: Misal po zakonu rimskoga dvora), a Croatian missal, written in the Glagolitic script, and incunabulum printed in on 22 February 1483. It is the first printed Croatian book and also the first missal in Europe not published in the Latin script.
Bill on libraries praised by both majority and opposition MPs during its 2nd reading
Zagreb - A final bill on libraries and library activities, which was given its second reading in parliament on Friday, was commended both by lawmakers from the ruling majority and from the Opposition, after improvements were made regarding the criteria for the selection of library directors and terms and conditions for establishing private libraries since its first reading.
Croatian Parliament Speaker Jandroković receives incoming Israeli ambassador Mor
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday received incoming Israeli Ambassador to Croatia Ilan Mor, wishing him a successful term in Croatia. 
MPs applaud bill to facilitate access to public information by old and disabled people
Zagreb - Croatian lawmakers on Thursday praised a a bill that imposes the obligation on agencies in the public sector to make their websites and mobile applications accessible to all users, notably to individuals with disabilities and to senior citizens.
Parliament amends Consumer Protection Act
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday amended the Consumer Protection Act of which citizens, buyers and users of public services expect bigger protection and major changes to their benefit.
Croatian Parliament observes a minute of silence for Holocaust victims
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament began its session on Friday with a minute of silence to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed on January 27.
Croatian Parliament will join in marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament will join in the marking of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed on January 27.
Reiner in Ireland talks emigration and situation in Croatia's neighbourhood
Zagreb - Croatian Deputy Parliament Speaker Zeljko Reiner, who is on a two-day official visit to Ireland, met with Irish political and Church leaders for talks on Croatian emigrants, the economy and the situation in Croatia's neighbourhood,
Public call for appointing Fiscal Policy Commission chair advertised
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on finances and state budget on Friday advertised a public call for applications for the post of the president of the Fiscal Policy Commission, and the applications can be submitted in the next 15 days.
Renovated square, Franjo Tuđman monument unveiled in Rugvica
Zagreb - The renovated Franjo Tuđman square in Rugvica, just east of Zagreb, was unveiled on Friday alongside a monument dedicated to Croatia's first president. The square and the monument were inaugurated by Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Gabrijela Žalac as Prime Minister Andrej Plenković's envoy, and municipal head Mato Čičak.
Jandroković: It is in the EU's interest for all member states to ratify CETA
Zagreb - Speaking on the occasion of the first anniversary of the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and Canada, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said in Zagreb on Tuesday he firmly believed that all EU members would ratify the agreement because in that way both the EU and Canada would profit.
Croatian and Canadian parliamentary speakers hail two countries' partnership in CETA, NATO
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and his Canadian counterpart Geoff Regan on Monday hailed the benefits of the trade agreement between Canada and the European Union, underscoring that the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and NATO membership reinforce overall cooperation between Croatia and Canada.
Jandroković calls on Croats to accept new challenges with optimism and resolve
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković says in his new Year message that the current holidays should be an additional incentive "for us to accept all future challenges with optimism and resolve" and to continue mastering them together and showing solidarity so as to enable a decent life and a better future to all citizens of Croatia.
Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković issued a Christmas message
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday issued a Christmas message with his best wishes for all Croatians in the country and abroad. 
Set of laws on mountainous and assisted areas adopted
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament adopted by majority vote a set of laws on hilly and mountainous and on assisted areas to help their development through the implementation of various programmes and measures. The purpose of the new legislation is to ensure balanced development throughout Croatia.
School Textbooks Act passed by 81 votes
Zagreb - The 151-seat Parliament on Friday adopted the School Textbooks Act by 81 votes for to three against and 19 abstentions, after the draft legislation on this matter had strained the relations between partners in the ruling coalition in recent weeks.
State Science Awards for 2017 presented
Zagreb - The State Science Awards for 2017 were presented in Parliament on Wednesday for life achievements by six reputable scientists - Janko Herak, Helena Jasna Mencer, Vera Garaj-Vrhovac, Josip Kovačević, Vjeran Katunarić and Emilio Marin.
Parliament adopts agriculture and livestock farming bills
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament passed the Agriculture Bill on Friday, setting out agricultural policy goals and measures and a framework for their implementation. The measures concern rural development, direct aid, the agricultural market and other policy areas.
Parliament passes set of pension reform bills
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday passed a set of six bills for the comprehensive pension reform. The reform which enters into force as of 1 January 2019 foresees extending working life to 67 as of 2033.
Parliament votes in foster care act, HNS MPs abstain
Zagreb - The foster care bill that has caused disputes in the ruling coalition was voted in on Friday, with 72 members of parliament voting in favour, four against and six abstaining. The Opposition did not take part in the vote in a show of protest against the way the ruling majority functions.
Croatian Parliament Speaker receives PMs who arrive in Zagreb for CEI summit
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday held separate meetings with the visiting prime ministers, Viktor Orban of Hungary, Zoran Zaev of Macedonia and Vasilica Viorica Dancila of Romania, who arrived in Zagreb for a two-day summit meeting of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in Zagreb.
Croatian Parliament Speaker meets with Albanian PM Edi Rama
Zagreb - Croatia strongly supports Albania's reform efforts on its journey toward the European Union and is prepared to provide technical assistance in that, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Tuesday during a meeting with Albania's Prime Minister Edi Rama, who was in Zagreb attending a summit of the Central European Initiative.
Parliament adopts 2019 state budget
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Monday adopted the 2019 state budget and projections for 2020 and 2021, with revenues in 2019 totalling over HRK 136 billion and expenditures over HRK 140 billion. The budget was adopted with 79 votes in favour, 45 against and one abstention.
Parliament reappoints State Auditor Ivan Klešić
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Monday unanimously reappointed current State Auditor Ivan Klešić for another, eight-year term. Klešić was the only candidate for the post. His current term expires on December 10.
Paliament Speaker wishes happy Hanukkah to Jewish believers
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday extended his best wishes to the Jewish faithful on the occasion of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights.
Grbin: The tourism should be focused on social, economic and ecological dimensions of sustainability
Zagreb - Within the framework of the Presidency of the Republic of Croatia over the Central European Initiative, the Parliamentary Assembly of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension was held today in the Croatian Parliament, with the participation of MPs from eleven CEI Member States.
Statement of Readiness for Developing Cooperation and Partnership signed in the Croatian Parliament between the Croatian and Romanian Committees
Zagreb - At the end of the Interparliamentary Conference “The Role of Parliaments in Shaping the Future of Food and Farming, in the context of the Presidency of the Council of the EU trio, Doina Silistru, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture, Food Industry and Rural Development of Romanian Senate, Alexandru Stănescu, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, Food Industry and Special Services of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies and Chair of the Croatian Parliament's Agriculture Committee, Tomislav Panenić signed a Statement of Readiness for Developing Cooperation and Partnership in the Process of Further Discussions on the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.
CAP Post 2020: Demographic Renewal of Rural Areas as the Foundation of the European Agriculture’s Future
Zagreb - The second session of the two-day Interparliamentary Conference held in the Croatian Parliament on "The Role of Parliaments in the Future of Food and Farming" was dedicated to generational renewal.
Croatian Parliament Speaker Jandroković opens the Interparliamentary Conference “The Role of Parliaments in Shaping the Future of Food and Farming”
Zagreb – Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković opened on Thursday the Interparliamentary Conference “The Role of Parliaments in Shaping the Future of Food and Farming”, held in the Croatian Parliament on 22 and 23 November 2018.
CAP Post 2020: Scientific research and digital transformation essential for agricultural development
Zagreb – At the end of the first day of the Interparliamentary Conference on “The Role of Parliaments in Shaping the Future of Food and Farming” the participants discussed issues related to agricultural research and food safety and quality.
Zoran Pičuljan appointed as new Information Commissioner
Zagreb - Zoran Pičuljan has been appointed as the new Information Commissioner, after a secret ballot in parliament, with 87 lawmakers voting in his favour and 22 voting in favour of his opponent, Dubravka Bevandić.
Milošević and Stier participated at the LX COSAC meeting
Vienna – Within the parliamentary dimension framework of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union LX COSAC, Conference of the Committees of the National Parliaments of the European Union Member States dealing with the European Union affairs, meeting was held in Vienna, 18 to 20 November 2018.
Croatian Parliament Speaker receives Qatari emir Sheikh Al Thani
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday received the visiting Qatari emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, and on that occasion the Croatian official expressed confidence that this reciprocal official visit would be conducive to efforts to boost bilateral relations, the press office of the Croatian parliament stated.
Parliament Speaker Jandroković says message from Vukovar is that war is the worst way to resolve conflict
Zagreb - Croatia Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Sunday that message from Vukovar to Croatia and the world is that war is the worst solution to conflicts and that regardless of all the tragedy, in the end this was a great victory.
State and other delegations lay wreaths, light candles at Vukovar Memorial Cemetery
Zagreb - State and other official delegations on Sunday laid wreaths and lit candles at the Homeland War Memorial Cemetery in Vukovar, on the occasion of Vukovar Remembrance Day and the 27th anniversary of the city's fall into the hands of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and Serb paramilitaries on 18 November 1991, after a three-month siege.
Jandroković: Meetings in Rome confirm high-level relations
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, who was on a two-day working visit to Italy, on Friday held meetings with Vice President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Maria Edera Spadoni, and the chairwoman of the foreign and European affairs committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Marta Grande, which confirmed a high level of relations between Italy and Croatia.
Croatian Parliament Speaker visits Pontifical Croatian College of St. Jerome in Rome
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday in Rome visited the Croatian church of St Jerome and the Pontifical Croatian College of St. Jerome , a Catholic college, church and a society in the city of Rome intended for the schooling of Croatian clerics.