8th term of the Croatian Parliament (28 December 2015 - 14 October 2016)

European Affairs Committee

Scope of work
European Affairs Committee shall:
- monitor the activities of Parliament in European affairs;
- adopt the Work Programme for the Consideration of the Positions of the Republic of Croatia;
- consider the documents of the European Union and the positions of the Republic of Croatia in relation to the documents of the European Union and may adopt conclusions thereon;
- consider the reports of the Government on the meetings of the Council of the European Union;
- conduct the procedure of monitoring compliance with the principle of subsidiarity;
- adopt a conclusion proposing to the competent authority to implement a regulatory impact assessment procedure in accordance with law;
- take part in the process of nominating candidates of the Republic of Croatia for EU institutions and bodies;
- monitor the alignment of the legal system of the Republic of Croatia with the EU acquis;
- participate in the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC);
- co-operate with the European Parliament and the European affairs committees of national parliaments;
- propose to the Speaker of Parliament to conduct a debate on the position of the Republic of Croatia for European Council meetings;
- submit an annual report on its activities to Parliament.
The European Affairs Committee shall have the rights and duties of a competent body in European Affairs pertaining to:
- adopting conclusions on the application of the passerelle clause;
- amending the Treaties of the European Union. The Committee shall perform other duties specified by these Standing Orders and law.