
Results found: 1431
Ukupno rezultata: 1431
MPs debate 2022 report on access to information
Zagreb - In 2022, 91% of the 5,874 public authority bodies received a total of 23,610 requests to access information Information Commissioner Anita Markić said.
State Secretary: Croatia created very good conditions for the work of the European Public Prosecutor's Office
Zagreb - Foreign Ministry State Secretary Andreja Metelko Zgombić said in the parliament on Thursday that Croatia was one of the countries that had created "very good" conditions for the work of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO).
Opposition calls for dealing with problem of plastics in the production process
Zagreb - Members of the parliament on Wednesday agreed that plastic and plastic products were becoming one of the most serious environmental problems, with some of them asking why the problem was not being dealt with at source, in the production process.
Parliament to be relocated to military academy building in Zagreb's western residential area
Zagreb - During the structural retrofitting of the Sabor building in Zagreb's uppertown, the national parliament will be relocated to the compounds of the military academy "Franjo Tuđman" in Črnomerec, western residential area of Zagreb, the Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Wednesday.
MPs discuss better utilisation of Croatian forests' potential
Zagreb - Parliamentary deputies said on Thursday that the economic potential of Croatian forests has not been fully utilised, and that Croatia exports mainly logs while importing furniture.
Ivan Turudić appointed the new State Attorney-General
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Wednesday elected Ivan Turudić the new State Attorney-General for a term of four years. His appointment was supported by 78 deputies, while 60 voted against and two abstained.
Parliamentary media committee endorses reports on national news agency and public broadcaster
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on Information, Computerisation and the Media on Wednesday endorsed reports on the performance  of the steering board of the national news agency (HINA) and the Programming Council of the Croatian Radio and Television (HRT) in 2022.
Sabor adopts amendments to ID Card Act
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Wednesday amended the ID Card Act to make it possible for citizens to file requests for a new ID card or the extension of an existing one in any police station, regardless of their place of residence.
New US ambassador to Croatia: U.S.-Croatia relations at highest level
Zagreb - The quality of the relations between the United States and Croatia is at the highest level so far, the new US ambassador to Croatia, Nathalie Rayes, said in the Parliament on Thursday.
Parliament Speaker: Holocaust is reminder of how low man can get
Zagreb - The six million Jews killed in WWII are the most horrific reminder of how low man can get, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Friday, on the occasion of tomorrow's International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
MPs welcomed the proposal that clients will be able to check taxi drivers
Zagreb - Croatian MPs on Wednesday welcomed the proposal that taxi drivers will be supposed to have their cards while providing services and that passengers will be able to check those cards using a QR code.
Construction and State Assets Minister: Balance struck between interests of apartment owners and protected tenants
Zagreb - Construction and State Assets Minister Branko Bačić said on Wednesday that the law, which solves the long-standing problem of protected tenants, corrects the injustice towards apartment owners while at the same time enabling tenants to solve the housing issue.
Four applicants present their programmes for post of State Attorney General before the Committee on the Judiciary
Zagreb - The four candidates for the new State Attorney General - Deputy State Attorney General Emilijo Kalabrić, attorney Mladen Dragičević, High Criminal Court judge Ivan Turudić and Split County Deputy Prosecutor Nikša Wagner - on Wednesday presented their programmes and answered questions before the Sabor's Committee on the Judiciary.
Parliament to discuss international development cooperation on Wednesday
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament will discuss two items on the agenda on Wednesday, including the final text of a bill on international development cooperation and humanitarian aid.
Parliament starts session, Jandroković talks important historical dates
Zagreb - The parliament on Monday began its first session in 2024, and at the start of the session, Sabor Speaker Gordan Jandroković extended messages on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of Croatia's recognition and 26th anniversary of the completion of the peaceful reintegration.
Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković sent Christmas greetings to believers who celebrate it according to the Julian calendar
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday sent Christmas greetings to believers who celebrate it according to the Julian calendar, underscoring that in the present-day world being faced with many challenges it is important that Christians remain promoters of solidarity and optimism.
Parliament Speaker wished a happy 2024
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday wished a happy 2024 on his and the Sabor's behalf to all Croatians at home and abroad as well as to all Croatian citizens.
Parliament Speaker issued Christmas message
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday issued message offering his best wishes to all Croatians for Christmas.
Parliament's Media Committee session on government advertising ends inconclusively
Zagreb - The Parliament's Media Committee on Wednesday ended a thematic session on government advertising in the media, convened at the request of the Opposition over the Mreža TV scandal, without any conclusion.
Damir Habijan voted in as new economy minister
Zagreb - The appointment of Damir Habijan of the HDZ party as the new economy and sustainable development minister was approved by the parliament on Wednesday with a tally of 77 in favour and 35 votes against, and one abstention.
Parliament passes law on inclusive allowance, amends law on child allowance
Zagreb - The parliament on Friday adopted the law on inclusive allowance and amended the child allowance legislation.
Laws on state property management and tourism passed
Zagreb - The law on management of the state-owned real estate and movables and the Tourism Law were adopted by the Croatian parliament by a majority vote on Friday.
Parliament adopts Act on Wages of Public and Civil Servants and Civil Service Act
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted the Act on the Wages of Public and Civil Servants, as a result of which employees with the lowest wages could see a significant increase in their wages as of March 2024.
Sabor: Veterans' entitlements, national allowance for elderly to grow
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Friday amended the Law on Croatian Homeland War Veterans to enhance the veterans' basic entitlements and allowances, enable them to stay longer on the labour market, and create conditions for the establishment of war veterans' centres.
Sabor gives consent to Croatian troops to participate in NATO and EU-led missions
Zagreb - The parliament on Friday gave its consent for the deployment of Croatian troops in several peace missions led by NATO, the EU or in coalition missions.
Parliament supports May 11 as National Palliative Care Day
Zagreb - National Palliative Care Day will be observed on May 11, after MPs supported it on Friday at the proposal of the Parliamentary Committee for Health and Social Policy and advocated for the improvement of the palliative care system.
Finance Ministry State Secretary: Four multinational corporations were registered in Croatia
Zagreb - Finance Ministry State Secretary Tereza Rogić Lugarić told MPs on Monday that four multinational corporations were registered in Croatia and that they would fall under the proposed bill on the minimum global corporate tax.
Parliament Speaker: Light of Bethlehem message of peace and tolerance between differences
Zagreb - The Croatian Scouts' Association on Monday traditionally brought the Peace Light of Bethlehem to the Croatian Parliament, with Speaker Gordan Jandroković saying its message was about the importance of peace, unity and tolerance between differences and of readiness to understand others.
Hanukkah's message is light will win over darkness, says Parliament Speaker
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday extended greetings to Jewish believers in Croatia on the occasion of Hanukkah, saying that Hanukkah's message is that light will win over darkness.
Parliament Speaker receives Custos of the Holy Land
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday received Father Francesco Patton, the Custos of the Holy Land, and they talked about the Chapel of Croatian Saints and Blessed Croatians in Betlehem, which was completed last year.
Local authorities will be given new powers and obligations in tourism management, the minister told Parliament
Zagreb - Tourism Minister Nikolina Brnjac said on Wednesday that the new Tourism Act would make it possible for local government units to decide on the development of their tourism industry based on exact data. Local authorities will be given new powers and obligations in tourism management, in accordance with the specific features of their tourist destinations, the minister told Parliament.
Opposition: Tourism law won't halt excessive building development
Zagreb - The parliamentary Opposition on Wednesday said that the proposed legislation on tourism would not solve the problems in the tourism sector, and that the new law would not stop the excessive building of apartments in tourist destinations.
Parliament adopts 2024 budget
Zagreb - The state budget for 2024 was adopted on Thursday by Croatia's 151-seat parliament with a 77-42 tally. The budget revenue of €28.5 billion is 3% higher than this year, and the expenditures, totalling €32.6 billion, are 11.2% higher than in 2023.
MPs submit 468 amendments to the draft 2024 state budget
Zagreb - As many as 468 amendments, 33 more than last year, have been submitted by MPs to the draft 2024 state budget, with only five submitted by the majority.
Opposition: Not all published court judgments should be anonymised
Zagreb - Both ruling and opposition members of the Croatian Parliament on Friday supported the proposal to amend the Courts Act, under which all court judgments would have to be published on a dedicated website.
Cyber Security Bill on parliament's agenda on Thursday
Zagreb - A Cyber Security Bill, which provides for a certain centralisation in cyber security management, through the transformation of the Cyber Security Centre of the Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) into the National Cyber Security Centre, will be on the Sabor's agenda on Thursday.
Parliamentary Justice Committee debates Agrokor case
Zagreb - The government will have to say what it plans to do with Fortenova as the successor to the failed Agrokor conglomerate, the chair of the parliamentary Justice Committee said on Wednesday, and he also expects answers on the State Attorney's Office's (DORH) responsibility for the expert evaluation.
Sabor Speaker called for solemn commemoration of Remembrance Day
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, who on Saturday took part in the Remembrance Walk in Vukovar, called for solemn commemoration of war victims in Vukovar and Škabrnja and defenders who gave heir lives in the 1991-1995 Homeland War.
Minister: Law on Croatian language ensures systematic care for language
Zagreb - Science and Education Minister Radovan Fuchs said in the parliament on Thursday that the Bill on the Croatian Language laid down the basic rules for the official and public use of the Croatian language and secured a systematic expert care for the Croatian language.
Parliament marks World Diabetes Day
Zagreb - World Diabetes Day was marked in Parliament on Wednesday with a public health campaign which included the measuring of blood glucose and arterial pressure and counselling on the proper diet.
Defence Committee supports candidate for new defence minister
Zagreb - The Sabor's Defence Committee on Wednesday supported by majority vote the proposal to vote confidence in Osijek-Baranja County head Ivan Anušić as the new Defence Minister, and he said that the completion of the coastal patrol boat fleet and the army's return to Beli Manastir were his priorities.
Exhibition on Croatian training ship Jadran opened in Sabor
Zagreb - The exhibition "Croatian training ship Jadran - home port Split, 1933-2023", which marks the 90th anniversary of that ship sailing into the port of Split, opened in the Croatian parliament on Thursday, with the message that endeavours are being taken to bring the vessel back from Tivat to Croatia.
Prime Minister: The government insists on protecting the border "with our capabilities"
Zagreb - Right-wing opposition parties on Wednesday criticised Prime Minister Andrej Plenković's policy on illegal migration after he presented reports on European Council meetings held between April and October.
Interior Minister Božinović: Croatia not exposed to mass, out-of-control migrant flow
Zagreb - Croatia is not exposed to a mass and out-of-control migrant flow and it was not and will not be a migrant hotspot, Interior Minister Davor Božinović said on Thursday and dismissed the possibility of deploying the army on the border.
Right opposition for army on border, left says migrants are no threat
Zagreb - Speaking ahead of a debate on illegal migration, the right opposition said the army should be deployed at key points on the border to prevent illegal entries, while the left opposition said migrants were not a threat to Croatia and that the right was fomenting citizens' fears ahead of elections.
Delegations of the Parliament and Government lay wreaths ahead of All Saints' Day
Zagreb - Delegations of the parliament and government on Tuesday laid wreaths at Zagreb's Mirogoj cemetery on the eve of All Saints' Day.
The 2023 budget revision and budget projections for 2024 and 2025 were supported by Parliament
Zagreb - The 151-seat parliament on Friday adopted by majority vote the government-sponsored budget revision, which increases budget revenue by €1.1 billion to €27.7 billion and outlays by 1.2 billion to €29.3 billion.
Croatian parliament passes Traffic Privileges Act, ratifies Anti-Bribery Convention
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament passed the Traffic Privileges Act on Friday, regulating privileges in rail, maritime and road  traffic.
The Home Affairs and National Security Committee obliged the government to submit report on illegal migrations
Zagreb - The Sabor's Home Affairs and National Security Committee on Thursday adopted a conclusion obliging the government to submit to the parliament within the next 15 days a report on the state of illegal migrations in Croatia since its Schengen entry, to be followed by a discussion on it at a plenary session.
Three candidates meet requirements for new Information Commissioner
Zagreb - Parliament's Information and Media Committee on Thursday sent the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System Committee the opinion that all three candidates for the post of new Information Commissioner meet the requirements - Anita Markić, Dubravka Bevandić and Nikola Kristić.