Zagreb - Croatia's parliament (Sabor) is scheduled to convene for a regular sitting next week and this year the 9th 151-seat legislature is expected to transpose European Union acquis communautaire into new 71 laws, including the law restricting the use of tobacco products.
All of this is in line with the 2017 Plan on Aligning Croatia's Legislation with the EU Acquis Communautaire, drafted by the government, which sent it to parliament for adoption. It is possible for the Plan to go before the lawmakers already in the first weeks of the parliament's work, said Dražen Bošnjaković, chairman of the Legislation Committee which will discuss the plan before it is discussed at the parliament's plenary session.
The government has also set the pace for the adjustment process. More than half of the laws, namely 39, are set to be aligned in the first quarter of 2017. The law restricting the use of tobacco products, amendments to the law on strategic investment projects, the law on sustainable waste management, the law on exploration and exploitation of gas and oil are some of the laws on that list. In the second quarter of 2017, the government plans to adjust 16 other laws, including the law on waters, the law on water management financing and the law on drinking water.
During its EU entry talks, Croatia met all its obligations. It adjusted its legislation to that of the EU, but due to the fact that the EU acquis communautaire is constantly evolving, it is necessary to act accordingly and adjust national regulations. (Hina)