International Crimea Platform

In order to improve the effectiveness of the international response to the temporary occupation of Crimea, a special mechanism was created - the International Crimea Platform, a format that brought together 47 heads of state and government, as well as ministers and representatives of international institutions. The platform was established in order to increase international pressure on the Russian Federation, mutually coordinate actions to oppose the consequences of the temporary occupation of Crimea, prevent further violations of human rights and protect the victims of the occupation regime, and achieve the main goal - the return of Crimea under Ukrainian sovereignty.

The significance of the International Crimea Platform in the geopolitical context lies in the fact that the participating countries insist that, despite the illegal annexation, the process of finding a solution for the return of Crimea to Ukraine continues, which is unquestionable from the point of view of international law.

The International Crimea Platform was officially launched with the Inaugural Summit in Kyiv on 23 August 2021, when the Joint Declaration was also adopted. 47 state representatives at the level of presidents, prime ministers, speakers of parliaments and ministers from G7 member states, EU member states, NATO, Council of Europe, European Council, European Commission, Organisation for Democracy and Economic Development participated.

The aim of the inaugural summit was to show international unity around the position that Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine, to condemn Russian crimes in and around Crimea, and to outline the parameters of international policy towards ending the occupation. The efforts of the International Crimea Platform focused on five areas: strengthening the policy of non-recognition of attempts to annex Crimea; the effectiveness of sanctions, the protection of human rights and international humanitarian law, ensuring security in the region of the Black and Azov Sea and beyond, while protecting freedom of navigation and overcoming the negative economic and environmental impacts of the occupation of Crimea on the region.

At the inaugural summit, the role of national parliaments in solving the temporary occupation of Crimea was also emphasised, with the encouragement of coordination of activities in Crimea between national parliaments and within inter-parliamentary assemblies.

At the second summit of the Crimea Platform, held online on 23 August 2022, in the circumstances of war, the number of participating states and international organisations increased to 60, and brought together the leaders of the G7, members of the EU, several representatives of the African continent and Latin America, and representatives of NATO, EU and others. A Joint Statement of the participants of the International Crimea Platform was adopted.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković repeated his unquestionable support for Ukraine on behalf of the Republic of Croatia by participating in both summits.

Support of the Croatian Parliament

On 25 February  2022, the day after the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Croatian Parliament, among the first parliaments in the world, adopted the Declaration on Ukraine, strongly condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine and calling for the immediate cessation of all military operations. Full support was expressed for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Croatia, itself a victim of brutal aggression in the 1990s, immediately and unequivocally provided concrete support to Ukraine. Along with the help to the displaced persons from Ukraine by receiving them providing care, the Republic of Croatia intends to continue to help Ukraine on the political, humanitarian, economic, technical, financial and diplomatic levels. Strongly supporting Ukraine's European aspirations, Croatia has made available its own experience from the process of accession to the European Union, but also in numerous other areas where the need arises - from demining, rehabilitation and treatment of war veterans, to the peaceful reintegration of occupied territories, post-war reconstruction and beyond.

The First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform

At the request of the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), due to the war in Ukraine, the Croatian Parliament accepted to co-host the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform. Thus, on 25 October 2022, the parliamentary dimension of the International Crimea Platform will be inaugurated here in Croatia. The summit, which will be held in the National and University Library building in Zagreb, is the largest parliamentary level international event ever organised in the Republic of Croatia.

Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk will open the Summit. The opening will also include the remarks by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, and by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy via video-link.

The First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform will address multiple aspects of the current security situation in Ukraine, and the possibilities for national parliaments and international parliamentary institutions to make their contribution in the five priority areas of the International Crimea Platform’s activity. More than fifty speakers and deputy speakers of parliaments and presidents and vice-presidents of parliamentary assemblies of international institutions participating in the Platform, will attend the plenary session in person and deliver their remarks, along with leaders of parliaments who will address the participants via video messages. The adoption of a joint declaration is planned at the end of the Summit.

Media representatives covering the Summit from the National and University Library building in Zagreb must have a valid accreditation. The event will be streamed online and broadcasted by the Croatian Radio and Television as the summit host broadcaster. The Croatian Radio and Television will provide the AV signal via the EBU platform, and photo material will be available via the Croatian News Agency Hina free of charge. More details on the coverage of the Summit are available in the Media Advisory.

Side events

The day before the Summit, on 24 October 2022, Zagreb will also host a conference of the International Crimea Platform Experts Network. The conference, which will bring together various experts from non-governmental organizations, scientists, politicians, public officials, journalists, human rights activists and other guests, will focus on topics related to the temporarily occupied Crimea, including issues related to political prisoners, responsibility for crimes committed in Crimea, the future reintegration of Crimea, as well as the applicability of Croatia's experience in reintegration of occupied territories.

On 26 October, an online Conference of Ombudspersons and National Institutions for Human Rights titled "Battle for Human Rights. Crimea. Ukraine. World." will also take place within the framework of the first ICP Parliamentary Summit. The event will be devoted to the challenges arising from human rights violations in Crimea and other territories of Ukraine temporarily occupied by Russia and the role of ombudspersons and national human rights institutions in the situation of international armed conflicts and reception and observance of human rights of those fleeing.

Programme of the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform _ Updated 25 October 2022