Martina Banić (HDZ)
Born on 1 May 1980 in Zagreb. Graduated from the Centre of Croatian Studies in Zagreb, majoring in journalism.
Begin of parliamentary mandate:
End of parliamentary mandate:
Party affiliation:
Deputy club:
Parliamentary functions:
- Member Committee on the Family, Youth and Sports (from 18 January 2012)
- Member Education, Science and Culture Committee (from 18 January 2012)
- Member Elections, Appointments and Administration Committee (from 22 December 2011)
- Member Gender Equality Committee (from 25 October 2013)
Previous parliamentary functions:
- Member Interparliamentary Co-operation Committee
- Member Committee on Information, Computerisation and the Media (from 18 January 2012 to 25 October 2013)
- Deputy Head of Delegation Delegation to the Parliamentary Committee for stabilization and accession (Croatia - EU Joint Parliamentary Committee)
Elected from the list of the:
- Croatian Democratic Union