11th term of the Croatian Parliament (16 May 2024)

Physical Planning and Construction Committee

Scope of work

The Physical Planning and Construction Committee shall establish and monitor the implementation of policies, and in procedures to enact legislation and other regulations it shall have the rights and duties of a competent working body in matters pertaining to:
- the promotion of physical planning for the purposes of the more efficient use, management and protection of spatial resources;
- the co-ordination of activities to protect spatial resources;
- the co-ordination of regional spatial development;
- protected areas of particular interest to the Republic of Croatia and the construction of buildings of importance to the Republic of Croatia;
- the utilisation and protection of the architectural heritage;
- the conditions and methods of preparing, adopting and implementing physical planning documents; - the system to monitor the spatial status (the information system for physical planning and spatial status reporting);
- construction site development;
- other physical planning matters;
- construction.

Appointed members
Mirjana Čagalj
Gustav Červar
Đuro Capor

Phone: +385 1 45 69 432
Fax: +385 1 45 69 323
e-mail: odborpug@sabor.hr

Ms. Renata Orlić Vukas
Phone: +385 1 45 69 412
e-mail: renata.orlic@sabor.hr