10th term of the Croatian Parliament (22 July 2020 - 16 May 2024)

Vesna Vučemilović (Hrvatski suverenisti)

Vučemilović, Vesna

Born on 20 September 1967 in Osijek. Graduated from the Doctoral School of the University of Osijek - postgraduate doctoral study programme in European Studies. Holds a PhD in Economics.

Begin of parliamentary mandate:

22 July 2020

End of parliamentary mandate:

16 May 2024

Changes during parliamentary mandate:

  • on 28 July 2021, the MP ceased to be a member of the Homeland Movement and commenced performing MP duties as Independent Member of Parliament
  • on 10 September 2021, the MP ceased to be an Independent Member of Parliament and commenced performing MP duties as a member of Croatian Sovereigntists 

Party affiliation:

Parliamentary functions:

Previous parliamentary functions:

Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:

Elected from the list of the:

  • Miroslav Škoro’s Homeland Movement, Croatian Sovereigntists, Block for Croatia, Croatian Conservative Party, Hrast – Movement for Successful Croatia, Pensioners' Party and Green List
