11th term of the Croatian Parliament (16 May 2024)

Josip Šarić (HDZ)

Šarić, Josip

Born on 1 June 1968 in Otok. Graduated from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb – Master of Traffic and Transport Engineering.

Deputy Club of the Croatian Democratic Union
Phone: +385 1 45 69 477; +385 1 45 69 537 
Fax: +385 1 45 69 314 
e-mail: klubhdz@sabor.hr

Begin of parliamentary mandate:

16 May 2024

Changes during parliamentary mandate:

  • the MP's term of office began on 16 May 2024 as Marin Piletić substitute

Party affiliation:

Parliamentary functions:

Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:

Elected from the list of the:

  • Croatian Democratic Union, Croatian Social Liberal Party, Croatian Demochristian Party, Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats and Croatian Party of Pensioners
