Sabor Speaker issues Statehood Day message

Zagreb - Sabor Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday wrote in his letter on the occasion of Statehood Day that awareness of the pillars of the Croatian state should be encouragement for Croatians to continue building a state with stable institutions, high security and rising living standards.

Recalling that 34 years ago, the Croatian nation sent a clear message in the first free, direct and multiparty elections about breaking ranks with the totalitarian Yugoslav Communist regime when on 30 May 1990 the first democratically elected multiparty legislature was founded, Jandroković writes that that historic moment in particular embodied the resolve of the Croatians to live in a free and pluralistic democracy.

He also recalled the challenging journey after the declaration of the independence and the exposure of Croatia to a Great Serbia war of aggression.

Jandroković says that the Croatia succeeded in accomplishing its goals of independence and international recognition owing to the vision and leadership of the first Croatian President Franjo Tuđman and a great sacrifice of Croatian defenders.

In the 1990s Croatia restored its own and European identity and returned to its Christian tradition and universal humanistic values, while in the present-day world, Croatia's full integration into the Euro-Atlantic political, security and economic structures makes it a much stronger country in every aspect, the parliament speaker writes in his message.

Jandroković says, among other things, that lawmakers in the Sabor have a special responsibility and duty to contribute to efforts to maintain Croatia as a place of mutual respect, tolerance and unquestionable rule of law, the respect for human rights and rights of minorities.

Author: Hina