Gordan Jandroković (HDZ)
Born on 2 August 1967 in Bjelovar. Graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Zagreb - Master of Arts in Political Science. Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb – Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
Begin of parliamentary mandate:
End of parliamentary mandate:
Changes during parliamentary mandate:
the suspension of the MP's term of office started on 22 December 2011
the suspension of the MP's term of office ended on 23 December 2011
Party affiliation:
Deputy club:
Parliamentary functions:
- Deputy Chairperson European Affairs Committee (from 12 July 2013)
- Member Foreign Affairs Committee (from 20 September 2013)
- Member Domestic Policy and National Security Committee (from 19 April 2013)
- Member Interparliamentary Co-operation Committee
- Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- Deputy Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Previous parliamentary functions:
- Deputy Chairperson European Integration Committee (from 18 January 2012 to 1 July 2013)
- Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Committee for stabilization and accession (Croatia - EU Joint Parliamentary Committee)
Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:
Elected from the list of the:
- Croatian Democratic Union