5th term of the Croatian Parliament (22 December 2003 - 11 January 2008)

Scope of work

Pursuant to Article 80 of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and Article 110 paragraph (2) of the Act on the Security and Intelligence System of the Republic of Croatia (official gazette Narodne Novine No. 79/06), at its session of 13 July 2007, the Croatian Parliament passed the Decision on the appointment of the chairperson and six members of the Council for Civilian Oversight of Security and Intelligence Agencies. The Croatian Parliament oversees the work of security and intelligence agencies directly, through the parliamentary committee in charge of national security and through the Council for Civilian Oversight of Security and Intelligence Agencies. 

Ćulumović, Mile

Antoliš, dr.sc. Krunoslav
Grgić, Zoran
Harasin, mr. sc. Dražen
Sarnavka, Sanja
Šeparović, Miroslav
Vukman, Nenada



Mile Ćulumović


Krunoslav Antoliš, Ph. D.
Zoran Grgić
Dražen Harasin, M. Sc.
Miroslav Šeparović
Sanja Sarnavka
Nenada Vukman