Zagreb – A delegation of the Finish Parliament Audit Committee, headed by its Chairwoman Tuija Brax, visited Sabor this week. They held meetings with the chairpersons and members of the Finance and Central Budget Committee, European Integration Committee and the National Council for Monitoring Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation.
Srđan Gjurković, Chairman of the Finance and Central Budget Committee, presented Croatia’s legal framework regulating state budget issues as well as the system of budget control. The Finnish parliamentarians explained their strategy and plans for the current global financial crisis: the strategy is primarily based on the increase of the employment rate, increase of investments in science and research but also on budgetary savings. Ana Lovrin, Chairwoman of the National Council for Monitoring Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation, underlined that war conditions had considerably halted the fight against corruption in Croatia. “Trying formerly high-ranking officials in courts of law, we have proven Croatia truly wanted to eradicate corruption”, Lovrin said. At the meeting with Daniel Mondekar, Chairman, and other members of the European Integration Committee, Brax underlined Finland’s interest to find ways of improving public funds management at the level of the European Union.