Zagreb – Most MP Clubs – all clubs of the ruling coalition, the Independent Democratic Serbian Party and the National Minorities MP Club – supported government's draft on the state budget for this year in today’s plenary discussion. The Croatian Democratic Alliance of Slavonia and Baranja made the adoption of their amendments requiring more money for agriculture conditional for their supporting the draft budget. The Croatian Democratic Union and the Croatian Labourists - Labour Party debated against the draft.
The government’s 2012 budget draft predicts a deficit of 9.9 billion kuna, which is 2.8 percent of Croatia’s GDP. The draft predicts 118.84 billion kuna of expenditures and 108.95 billion kuna of revenues. Budgetary resources for this year would thus be by 3.4 billion kuna smaller than in 2011, while the planned revenues would exceed last year’s by 108.95 billion kuna or by 1.4 percent. The Government thinks the budget realistic and foresees an economic growth of 0.8 percent and an inflation rate of 2.4 percent.
It takes a majority vote of all MPs for the Parliament to pass the budget. According to the Standing Orders of the Croatian Parliament, voting on the budget may not be conducted prior to the expiry of three days after the date of debate. (Internet Editorial Staff/Hina)