Zagreb – Croatian Parliament's regular work is to begin on Wednesday, January 18. The first regular plenary session of the 7th Parliament will last until January 27. According to the provisions of the Croatian Constitution, Sabor sits in regular session from January 15 till July 15.
On Wednesday, 18 January, the session will begin with Question Time, during which MPs will be putting their questions to the Members of the Croatian Government. A day-long thematic debate on the course and the results of the negotiations on Croatia's Accession to the European Union has been scheduled for Thursday, January 19.
During the two-week session, Members of Parliament will also be discussing the reports on the work of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatian National Bank, Financial Agency as well as the reports on the work of the state attorneys' offices. Some of the Parliament's committees are expected to be formed in this period.
The 7th Parliament’s constitutive session and the 2nd extra session were held on 22 and 23 December 2011, respectively.