
Results found: 1422
Results found: 1422

Sabor starts spring session on Wednesday

Zagreb - After a month-long recess the Croatian Parliament will convene for its 10th session on Wednesday which will run through mid-March and longer if need be.

Croatian Parliament Speaker congratulated the newly-elected President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday congratulated the newly-elected President of the European Parliament, Maltese Roberta Metsola, whose election was supported by 458 MEPs earlier in the day.

Jandroković extends congratulations on the 30th anniversary of Croatia's international recognition

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday congratulated all Croatian citizens and Croats at home and abroad on the 30th anniversary of Croatia's international recognition.

Jandroković has extended condolences to the family and colleagues of European Parliament President David Sassoli

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković has extended condolences to the family and colleagues of European Parliament President David Sassoli, who passed away early on Tuesday at the age of 65.

Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković sent Christmas greetings to believers who celebrate it according to the Julian calendar

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday sent Christmas greetings to believers who celebrate it according to the Julian calendar on behalf of lawmakers and on his own, underscoring that the spirit of Christmas encourages people in facing life's challenges.

Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković says new parliamentary session to start on 19 January

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Wednesday that the Parliament would start its new session on 19 January and that it would be in session for two months, possibly longer.

Parliament Speaker issues Christmas message

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković issued a Christmas message on Friday, highlighting the importance of dialogue and fostering mutual understanding and unity in society.

Croatia marks the 31st anniversary of the promulgation of the Christmas Constitution

Zagreb - Thirty-one years ago the Republic of Croatia got its first Constitution, which was adopted on 21 December and was officially promulgated on the day after that, that is on  22 January 1990, and became known as the Christmas Constitution since its promulgation happened a few days before Christmas.

Davorko Vidović appointed Deputy Parliament Speaker

Zagreb - Davorko Vidović of the Social Democrats group, the largest opposition group in the Croatian Parliament, was appointed a new, fifth Deputy Parliament Speaker on Wednesday. This decision was made by a majority of MPs - 114 of them, while one abstained, with Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković congratulating Vidović on the appointment and wishing him success.

New Budget Act provides for penalties for non-transparent spending

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday adopted the new Budget Act which provides for penalties ranging from HRK 10,000 to HRK 50,000 for local government officials failing to present their budget spending transparently.

Parliament amended Act on the Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases

Zagreb - The Act on the Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases was amended on Wednesday, with 77 MPs voting in favour and 27 against, while the members of the Bridge party walked out of the Parliament chamber.

Parliament adopts new Conflict of Interest Prevention Act

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday adopted the new Conflict of Interest Prevention Act which significantly expands the number of persons to whom it applies, envisaging the submission of declarations of assets once a year and faster proceedings before the Conflict of Interest Commission.

Parliament Speaker: Silent majority should be the voice of reason in challenging times

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Wednesday, on the last day of the autumn session, that the Parliament had passed about a hundred laws in that period, and he commented on the protests against epidemiological measures, calling on the silent majority to be the voice of reason.

Light of Bethlehem arrives in Croatian Parliament

Zagreb - The Light of Bethlehem, the light of peace and hope, is shining in the Croatian Parliament as of Tuesday, where Scouts Croatia traditionally placed it outside the Parliament Chamber.

Lawmakers have conducted an intensive debate on COVID certificates

Zagreb - Members of the Croatian Parliament on Thursday started a heated debate on a bill on the protection of the population against infectious diseases which envisages fines up to HRK 50,000 for responsible persons not complying with the COVID-19 certificate mandate in bodies governed by public law.

Sabor endorses a year-long extension of the deadline for citizenship application

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday confirmed a year-long extension of the deadline for the submission of applications for Croatian citizenship under the current law since the coronavirus pandemic has made it more difficult for everyone to apply.

Croatian Parliament passes the state budget for 2022

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday passed the state budget for 2022 with projections for 2023 and 2024, with 77 MPs voting in favour, one more than the required 76, and 49 against.

Parliament: Companies to be granted HRK 400 million for energy renovation

Zagreb - The state secretary at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ivo Milatić, said on Tuesday that in addition to HRK 390 million set aside for the energy renovation of family housing, as much money would also be allocated to companies for the same purpose.

Opposition slams gov't for accepting only five of its amendments to 2022 budget

Zagreb - The opposition on Monday called the five amendments worth HRK 11 million to the draft 2022 state budget which the government accepted from the opposition "peanuts," announcing that they will not vote for it and that they will demand a property tax.

No requests that Croatia participates in war operations, the state secretary says

Zagreb - The state secretary at the Defence Ministry said on Thursday, during a parliamentary debate on the sending of Croatian troops to eight peace missions and operations, that "for now" there were no requests that Croatia participates in war operations.

Holiday of Hanukkah marked in Croatian Parliament

Zagreb - The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah was marked officially in the Croatian Parliament on Thursday, by lighting the Hanukkah candles.

475 amendments submitted to 2022 budget proposal, Parliament Speaker says

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament will begin next week's session already on Monday after 475 amendments have been submitted to the 2022 budget proposal, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković announced at the start of the Parliament session on Thursday. 

Prime Minister informs MPs of focus areas in 2022 budget

Zagreb - Addressing the impact of the devastating earthquakes, increasing social welfare payments and parental allowances, ensuring the fiscal viability of local government units are the fields to which the Government pays special attention in the 2022 budget, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Wednesday.

Draft 2022 state budget lacks reforms, says Opposition

Zagreb - During Wednesday's debate on a draft 2022 state budget, opposition MPs said it showed a lack of reforms, no change of direction, and that it did not offer solutions as prices are rising and living standards decreasing.

Support to Convention for Protection of Persons from Enforced Disappearance

Zagreb - Both the parliamentary opposition and the ruling majority on Tuesday supported a proposal to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance so that it becomes part of the legal order of the Republic of Croatia.

State Secretary Mihotić: Electronic toll collection should be introduced in entire Croatia

Zagreb - State Secretary at the Ministry of Transport, Tomislav Mihotić, confirmed in Parliament on Thursday that electronic toll collection (ETC) would be introduced throughout Croatia, and the intention is for the system to be unified in the entire European Union.

Parliament marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Thursday observed a minute of silence to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Jandroković sends condolences to North Macedonia over tragic bus accident in Bulgaria

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday sent condolences to North Macedonia Assembly Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, and the families of the casualties in a bus accident in Bulgaria. 

Jandroković: It's selfish to think about personal freedom while others are dying

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday commented on Saturday's protest against COVID certificates and asked what sort of personal freedom it was that "brings death and takes numerous lives that shouldn't have been lost?"

Rural Parliament and Mediterranean Fair of Healthy Food to be held in Šibenik

Zagreb - The fourth edition of the Croatia Rural Parliament and the 19th Mediterranean Fair of Healthy Food, Medicinal Herbs, and Green Entrepreneurship will be held in Šibenik on 25-27 November.

Remembrance Day march passes through Vukovar

Zagreb - Several tens of thousands of citizens from around Croatia and neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina marched through Vukovar to commemorate the war victims of Vukovar on the 30th anniversary of the city's fall into the hands of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and Serb paramilitaries.

Parliament Speaker receives Saudi Minister Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday received the visiting Saudi Minister for Islamic Affairs, Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh.

"Vukowar 1991" photographic exhibition opens in Parliament House

Zagreb - Ahead of Homeland War Remembrance Day and Remembrance Day for Vukovar and Škabrnja, to be marked on 18 November, a photographic exhibition called "Vukowar 1991", by Damir Radnić and Viktorin Jurić, was opened in Parliament House on Wednesday.

Jandroković: COVID pass or negative test required to enter Parliament as of 15 November

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković confirmed on Wednesday that as of 15 November, when the measures of the national COVID-19 crisis management team come into force, a COVID certificate or negative test would be needed to enter the Parliament.

MPs endorse abolishing excise taxes on small spirits producers

Zagreb - Croatian lawmakers on Thursday endorsed amendments to the Excise Taxes Act proposing exemption of small spirits producers from excise taxes when these products are used for veterinary-medical purposes or as a food additive.

Finance Minister says the cost of combatting COVID exceeds €5.3bn

Zagreb - Finance Minister Zdravko Marić told the Parliament on Wednesday that the total cost of combatting the COVID pandemic has exceeded HRK 40 billion (€5.3 billion) from the state budget alone in just under two years, however, the effect of COVID is a one-off event, regardless of how strong it may be.

Ruling MPs praise FinMin's efforts, Opposition warns of expenditures rise

Zagreb - During Wednesday's debate on a 2021 budget revision, ruling coalition MPs praised the efforts the Finance Ministry was making in difficult times, while the Opposition asked where the money was going and claimed that expenditures were not under control, notably in health.

Parliament discusses amendments to Farmland Act

Zagreb - The parliament on Friday discussed amendments to the Farmland Act, which are expected to facilitate the use of state-owned farmland and enable its allocation, as well as a bill on the sustainable use of pesticides.

Parliament amends post-earthquake reconstruction law

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament amended the Reconstruction Act on Friday, paving the way for simplifying and speeding up the post-earthquake reconstruction of Zagreb and surrounding counties and removing the bottlenecks that have emerged in the reconstruction process.

Opposition amendments to Minimum Wage Bill rejected

Zagreb - A government representative on Friday rejected all opposition amendments to the Minimum Wage Bill, of which most were put forward by MP Katarina Peović of the Workers' Front, and accepted only an amendment by Croatian Pensioners' Party MP Silvano Hrelja, who is part of the parliamentary majority.

Sabor adopts Prime Minister's annual report

Zagreb - The Sabor on Friday adopted Prime Minister Andrej Plenković's annual report on the government's work with 76 votes in favour, 41 against and two abstentions, after he submitted the report on Wednesday, announcing an increase in the minimum wage and parental allowance.

Opposition MPs say what they would like to hear from PM

Zagreb - Before Prime Minister Andrej Plenković submitted an annual report on the government's work, the parliamentary opposition said on Wednesday what they would like to hear from him, while the ruling HDZ said the government fulfilled its obligations in the challenging past year.

PM says minimum wage to increase by HRK 350 as of January

Zagreb - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković announced on Wednesday in the parliament that the minimum net wage would increase by HRK 350 or 10.3% as of January, from HRK 3,400 to HRK 3,750, that is to €500.

Parl. majority: Amended law to make reconstruction fast, transparent, effective

Zagreb - The parliamentary majority on Wednesday welcomed amendments to the Reconstruction Act as an improvement that would step up post-earthquake reconstruction while the Opposition insisted that they would not expedite the process.

Croatian Parliament appoints Robert Šveb new HRT director-general

Zagreb - The parliamentary majority on Wednesday appointed Robert Šveb the new director-general of the HRT public broadcaster, while the opposition Bridge party would not participate in the vote and walked out of the session.

The Opposition says candidate for HRT director doesn't represent change for the better

Zagreb - The parliamentary majority on Tuesday supported the appointment of Robert Šveb as director-general of the HRT public broadcaster while the Opposition refused to support him, noting that if he was appointed, the HRT would continue failing to be a public service and serving the ruling party.

Dobronić was sworn in as Supreme Court president

Zagreb - Radovan Dobronić, who has been appointed as Supreme Court president, was sworn in on Monday in the presence of Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and as the chief justice of that court he is by default the president of the State Electoral Commission.

Parliamentary parties support Croatian-German Visiting Forces Agreement

Zagreb - Croatian parliamentary parties on Friday welcomed the adoption of the law ratifying the Croatian-German Visiting Forces Agreement, with some expressing concern about the article on criminal jurisdiction and coercive measures.

Law on institutional framework for EU funds absorption passed

Zagreb - The parliament on Friday adopted a law regulating an institutional framework for the use of EU funds until 2027 and amended the Law on the Croatia's National Centre for the External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO).

Opposition shows solidarity with Health Minister Beroš after protests outside his home

Zagreb - Despite consistently criticising the way the coronavirus crisis is being managed and health policies in general, opposition lawmakers on Friday stood in defense of Health Minister Vili Beroš, criticising protestors who rallied outside his home and disturbed his family.