Danica Baričević (HDZ)
Born on 17 July 1972 in Myrtleford, Australia. Graduated from DOBA Business School, Maribor, Slovenia - Master of Marketing and Sales.
Deputy Club of the Croatian Democratic Union
Phone: +385 1 45 69 477; +385 1 45 69 537
Fax: +385 1 45 69 314
e-mail: klubhdz@sabor.hr
Begin of parliamentary mandate:
Changes during parliamentary mandate:
Party affiliation:
Deputy club:
Parliamentary functions:
- Member Finance and Central Budget Committee (from 12 July 2024)
- Member Committee on the Economy (from 12 July 2024)
- Member Tourism Committee (from 24 May 2024)
- Member Labour, Retirement System and Social Partnership Committee (from 24 May 2024)
- Member Interparliamentary Co-operation Committee (from 24 May 2024)
- Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (from 24 May 2024)
- Deputy Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (from 12 July 2024)
- Member State Commission for Assessment of Damages from Natural Disasters from among the ranks of Members of Parliament (from 12 July 2024)
Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:
Elected from the list of the:
- Croatian Democratic Union, Croatian Social Liberal Party, Croatian Demochristian Party, Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats and Croatian Party of Pensioners