
Results found: 1422
Results found: 1422

Sabor Speaker says commemoration free of political connotations

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner said after an official commemoration at Jasenovac on Friday that he was glad to see that today's commemorative event had been held in a dignified manner free of any political connotations.

New era of cooperation begins, Adriatic-Ionian Initiative conference hears

Split - Participants in the 14th conference of parliament speakers of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative in Split on Saturday did not discuss only a European response to the migrant crisis, but also the added value of parliamentary cooperation within the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), calling for stepping up activities which would improve their visibility and responsibility.

Croatian parliament Speaker meets Albanian defence minister

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner on Thursday met with Albanian Defence Minister Mimi Kodheli, who was on an official visit to Croatia.

Parliament Speaker, India's minister talk cooperation

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner and India's Minister of State for External Affairs, Vijay Kumar Singh, met on Thursday in Zagreb and discussed strengthening relations between Croatia and India.

Reiner receives World Jewish Restitution Organisation delegation

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner has met with a delegation of the World Jewish Restitution Organisation, led by US Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Nicholas Dean, and at the talks Reiner underscored that there was no anti-Semitism in Croatia, according to a press release issued by the Sabor.

Croatia marks International Roma Day

Zagreb - At a ceremony marking International Roma Day on Friday, representatives of the Roma community in Croatia spoke of a difficult position of the Roma in the country and urged the government to take the necessary steps to improve it.

Reiner with Indonesian delegation on defence cooperation

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner and a visiting delegation of members of the Indonesian Parliament on Monday discussed cooperation in the military industry and the role of Croatian ports as possible points of entry to the European market for Indonesian products, the Croatian Parliament said in a statement.

Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner met his Slovenian counterpart Brglez

Zagreb - The arbitration procedure for the Croatian-Slovenian border dispute is history for Croatia, which sees a solution in bilateral negotiations in line with international law, Croatian Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner said on Wednesday after meeting with his Slovenian counterpart Milan Brglez.

Sabor set to transpose EU acquis into 75 laws in 2016

Zagreb - The parliamentary Human and National Minority Rights Committee on Monday endorsed the 2016 draft budget with four abstentions. The minority MPs said they would submit several amendments to the draft budget.

Reiner: Focus of Croatian-Albanian relations on Adriatic-Ionian motorway

Zagreb – Croatian-Albanian relations are friendly and are marked by a high level of understanding and cooperation in all areas and the focus of their cooperation is on the Adriatic-Ionian motorway and gas pipeline, Croatian Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner said on Thursday at a meeting with Albanian Ambassador Ilir Melo.

Two deputy parliament speakers from opposition ranks elected

Zagreb - Vesna Pusić of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) and Milanka Opačić of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) are the new deputy speakers of the Croatian parliament, elected from the ranks of the opposition, deputies decided on Wednesday with a majority vote and without a debate.

Reiner, Schultze advocate stronger economic cooperation

Zagreb - Croatia and Germany wish to strengthen their economic relations and an initiative has been launched for cooperation between the German, Austrian and Swiss chambers of commerce with the Croatian Employers' Association, Croatian Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner and German Ambassador to Croatia Erberhard Schultze said on Monday.

Four Croatians where named as Righteous Among the Nations

Zagreb - Israel's Ambassador to Croatia Zida Kalay Kleitman on Wednesday, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, presented four Croatians with Righteous Among the Nations medals on behalf of the Yad Vashem memorial centre in Jerusalem.

Croatia marks 24th anniversary of international recognition

Zagreb - Croatia celebrates the 24th anniversary of international recognition on Friday, remembering January 15, 1992 when the countries of the then European Community (EC) jointly recognised it as an independent state and Germany, which played a key role in that process together with the Holy See, established diplomatic relations with Croatia.

New Croatian Parliament inaugurated

Zagreb - The eighth, 151-member Croatian Parliament was inaugurated on Monday following the November 8 election, and Željko Reiner of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) was appointed Speaker of Parliament.

HHO presents awards for human rights promotion

Zagreb - The Croatian Helsinki Committee on Human Rights (HHO) presented awards for the promotion of human rights and freedoms at a ceremony in Zagreb on Tuesday. The Miko Tripalo Award, which is given to office holders and politicians for their outstanding contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights, was presented to the incumbent Speaker of Parliament, Josip Leko.

First attempt to inaugurate parliament fails

Zagreb - Only one candidate for the position of Parliament Speaker was proposed at the parliament's inaugural session on Thursday - 55 deputies of the Social Democratic Party-led Croatia Is Growing coalition proposed that Robert Podolnjak, a deputy of the Bridge reformist party, be appointed to that position - but the Croatian Democratic Union voted against and Podolnjak turned down the nomination.

Leko: China supports Croatian projects

Beijing - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko met in Beijing on Friday with his Chinese counterpart, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang, who told him that China would encourage Chinese companies to invest in Croatia.

President called inaugural parliament session for December 3

Zagreb - President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović called the inaugural session of the eighth parliament for December 3 and a second round of consultations for appointing a prime minister-designate for December 7.

Croatia to hold parliamentary election on Sunday

Zagreb - Some 3.8 million Croatian voters in the country and abroad will go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new, 8th legislature consisting of 151 deputies. Of them, 140 are elected in ten constituencies in Croatia itself, three are elected as deputies of ethnic Croats abroad and expatriates, and eight deputies representing ethnic minorities.

Speaker of the Croatian Parliament participated at the Conference "Comprehensive regional defence ministerial"

Dubrovnik - The "Comprehensive regionaln defence ministerial – CRM" is hosted in 2015 by the Republic of Croatia and it take place in Dubrovnik on 21-22 October.

Conference on public media and enlargement countries' parliaments held

Zagreb - A two-day inter-parliamentary conference called "Public Service Media and the Parliaments in the Enlargement Countries" ended in the Croatian parliament on Friday with the adoption of recommendations for the work of parliaments.

Parliament amends laws to enable CHF loan conversion

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Friday unanimously adopted amendments to the Consumer Credit Act and the Credit Institutions Act based on which loans denominated in Swiss francs would be converted into euros.

Parliament Speaker congratulates Jewish community on holidays

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Monday congratulated the Jewish community in Croatia on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. "May the holidays be filled with peace and may they bring you and your dearest ones an abundance of God's mercy and success, happiness and health in the year 5776," Leko said.

Leko meets his Indonesian, Iranian and Albanian colleagues in NY

New York - Croatia's Parliament Speaker Josip Leko met with his counterparts from Indonesia, Iran and Albania for talks on bilateral cooperation, on the fringes of the 4th world conference of presidents of parliaments in New York.

Speaker convenes extraordinary parliamentary session

Zagreb - At the government's request, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday called an extraordinary parliamentary session for September 8-11. Parliament will discuss several important bills - bills of amendments to laws on welfare, excises, and the financing of local government, a consumer bankruptcy bill, and a bill on renewables and highly efficient co-generation.

Sabor Speaker meets Croat expats in New Jersey

New York - Croatia's Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Sunday met with representatives of the Croatian community in New Jersey before the start of the fourth world conference of parliament speakers in New York on Monday. Croatian expats showed great interest in Croatia's state of affairs, notably in the country's economic situation.

Parliament adopts decision instructing Government to exit arbitration

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Wednesday unanimously obliged the Government to institute a procedure to exit the Arbitration Agreement on a border solution with Slovenia.

Speaker: Parliament has fulfilled its duties

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Wednesday, at the end of the parliament's spring-summer sitting, that the parliament had fulfilled its constitutional duties.

Parliamentary reports on Speaker activities in present term

Zagreb - After concluding its current session the Croatian parliament has released a comprehensive report on its work since being constituted in December 2011 to date which presents figures describing parliament's activities, working bodies and of Speaker Josip Leko.

Sabor amends several laws before summer recess

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Wednesday amended the Sports Act at the proposal of the Social Democratic Party and the Croatian People's Party, under which persons sentenced for rioting at sporting events would no longer be able to sit on the management boards of sport clubs or associations.

Croatia to open embassy in South Korea

Zagreb - Croatia hopes to open an embassy and tourism board in South Korea this year as well as sign an agreement on air traffic with that country, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko announced on Monday after talks with his South Korean counterpart Chung Ui-Hwa.

Croatia supports SE European countries' NATO membership bids, says Sabor Speaker Leko

Zagreb - Croatia supports all Southeast European countries in their efforts to join NATO, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said at a meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Zagreb on Thursday.

The Croatian Parliament's Committee on the Constitution proposes bilingualism laws in two readings

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's Committee on the Constitution on Monday endorsed draft amendments to two laws which make it possible to dissolve town councils which refuse to adjust their statutes to legally guaranteed rights of ethnic minorities, however, committee members proposed that the amendments not be adopted under fast-track procedure but be discussed in two readings.

Top state officials lay wreaths at Mirogoj cemetery on Statehood Day

Zagreb - Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and Prime Minister Zoran Milanović laid wreaths and lit candles at Zagreb's central Mirogoj Cemetery on Thursday, on the occasion of Statehood Day.

Sabor Speaker wishes best on Statehood Day

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday forwarded a message with best wishes on the occasion of Croatia's Statehood Day, observed on 25 June in memory of 25 June 1991 when Croatia's lawmakers adopted the declaration on the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Croatia.

Deputy Parliament Speaker Zgrebec: Anti-fascism is one of the biggest values in Croatia's history

Brezovica - Addressing the commemoration, on the occasion of the Anti-Fascist Struggle Day in the Brezovica forest outside Sisak on Monday, Deputy Parliament Speaker Dragica Zgrebec said that hate speech and neo-fascist incidents in Croatia should be replaced by a language of reason.

Marking Anti-Fascist Struggle Day contributes to peace, tolerance, says Sabor Speaker

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Friday issued a message on the occasion of the Day of the Anti-Fascist Struggle, June 22, saying that marking that day contributed to building a society of peace, tolerance and democracy.

Parliament Speaker receives Romanian President

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday received Romania's President Klaus Werner Iohannis who is on a two-day official visit to Croatia and during the talks they underscored the excellent relations between the two parliaments which are soon to be formalised.

Parliamentary committee: Croatia must remain GMO free

Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on agriculture on Friday unanimously upheld the government's opinion that Croatia should remain GMO free. Committee members, however, expressed reservations due to possible complaints that could occur subsequent to certain international agreements like the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Parliament adopts Public Administration Development Strategy 2015-2020

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Friday adopted the Public Administration Development Strategy 2015-2020, defining long-term goals and guidelines for the modernisation of public administration in Croatia.

Parliament adopts new Bankruptcy Act

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted a new Bankruptcy Act which will allow the launching of bankruptcy proceedings by default in companies whose bank accounts have been blocked for more than 120 days.

MPs endorse report by ombudswoman for the disabled

Zagreb - Accessibility, employment and quality education were just some of the problems highlighted in the annual report presented to parliament on Friday by the ombudswoman for the disabled Anka Slonjšak, which was upheld unanimously by law-makers.

Parliament Speakers affirm friendly Croatia-Montenegro relations

Podgorica - Parliament Speakers Josip Leko of Croatia and Ranko Krivokapic of Montenegro said in Podgorica on Thursday that the relations between the two countries were excellent and that parliamentary cooperation was an essential part of them.

Leko, Goedecke say Croatia-Germany relations very good

Zagreb - Croatian-German relations are traditionally very good, both on the federal and state levels, and North Rhine-Westphalia is a particularly significant economic partner to Croatia, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Tuesday after meeting with his counterpart from that German state, Carina Goedecke.

Parliament adopts two agriculture-related laws

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament passed two agriculture-related laws on Friday - the Farmland Consolidation Act and the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture Act. The Farmland Consolidation Act will enable expansion of farms and plots of farmland, putting road and canal networks in order, irrigation and the regulation of ownership relations.

SEECP Parliamentary Assembly holds session in Tirana

Tirana - Closer regional cooperation and contacts between the countries of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) are of great importance in dealing with current security challenges, terrorism and organised crime, as well as in implementing joint economic projects and stepping up integration with the EU, it was said at the 2nd session of the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly in Tirana on Saturday.

Parliament Speaker says democracy is "our world and future"

Zagreb - Democracy is our world, our decision and future, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Wednesday to law students participating in a parliament simulation project organised by the Croatian branch of the European Law Students' Association. Croatian democracy "envisages the responsibility of everyone in society," Leko said, reminding the students that under the Constitution and the principles of democracy, government came from and belonged to the people and that in Croatia it was divided into the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

Parliament discusses bill on rights of victims of wartime sexual violence

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday resumed its session with a debate on a bill on the rights of victims of sexual violence in the Homeland War, with Veterans' Minister Predrag Matić underscoring that the law is a clear condemnation of the culture of non-punishment of sexual crimes committed during the war and that victims would receive recognition and compensation as a response to omissions the state had committed over the past 20 years.