Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Friday received representatives of associations taking part in a war veterans' protest outside the War Veterans Ministry, saying he was glad they were taking part in the drawing up of a new law on the rights of veterans and their families.
Leko said the bill should be drawn up as soon as possible so that a public debate could be opened. He reiterated that the law should cover all veterans' issues and that it should be organic and not constitutional. As for the protesters' political demands, Leko said they must respect the democratic procedure.
The veterans' delegation reiterated their demand for the dismissal of War Veterans Minister Predrag Matic and two of his associates, and requested that Matic, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Leko, and Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic meet with veterans' representatives. The delegation said they were displeased with a protest against the protesting veterans announced for Saturday, asking that state institutions protect them.
They warned that if those protesting against them were allowed to come to the War Veterans Ministry, it would be difficult to control the situation and prevent possible incidents. (Hina)