10th term of the Croatian Parliament (22 July 2020 - 16 May 2024)

Ivana Kekin (NL)

Kekin, Ivana

Born on 24 January 1984 in Zagreb. Graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb – Doctor of Medicine, postgraduate specialist study in Psychiatry and subspecialist study in Psychotherapy. Holds a PhD in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the field of Clinical Medical Sciences,  branch Psychiatry.

Begin of parliamentary mandate:

15 September 2021

End of parliamentary mandate:

16 May 2024

Changes during parliamentary mandate:

  • the MP’s term of office began on 15 September 2021 as Rada Borić's substitute 

Party affiliation:

Deputy club:

Parliamentary functions:

Previous parliamentary functions:

Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:

Elected from the list of the:

  • We Can! – Political Platform, New Left, Workers' Front, Sustainable Development of Croatia, Zagreb is OURS! and For the City
