
Results found: 1431
Ukupno rezultata: 1431
Book of condolence opened for MP Tuđman
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday signed a book of condolence opened in the parliament for HDZ MP Miroslav Tuđman who died on Sunday from complications caused by COVID-19.
Parliament Speaker: Holocaust victims must not be forgotten, let down
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Wednesday observed a minute's silence in memory of the Holocaust victims, marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, with Speaker Gordan Jandroković saying that it was everyone's duty never to forget the victims or let them down.
Wreaths laid at Mirogoj on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Zagreb - The highest state delegations on Wednesday laid wreaths at the sculpture "Moses" at the Jewish section of Zagreb's Mirogoj cemetery on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
The government sends draft national consumer protection programme until 2024 to Parliament
Zagreb - The government has sent a draft national consumer protection programme for the period 2021 - 2024 to Parliament, defining objectives, benchmarks, priorities and activities in implementing consumer protection policies.
Parliament debated PM's report on meetings of European Council in 2020
Zagreb - PM Plenković said in the Parliament the most important achievement last year was the agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) under which Croatia has at its disposal €12.7 billion, having to pay €661 million annually into the EU budget over the next seven years. The Next Generation EU instrument totals €750 billion and Croatia is entitled to €9.6 billion from that mechanism, which does not require national co-financing, he said.
Question Time: Earthquake damage reported on 42,037 buildings
Zagreb - Construction Minister Darko Horvat said in Parliament on Tuesday that earthquake damage had been reported on 42,037 buildings and that the state would pay for the construction of new homes or the finding of replacement ones for owners whose houses would have to be torn down.
Parliament begins regular spring session
Zagreb - Parliament started its regular spring session on Tuesday with a minute's silence in honour of the people killed in devastating earthquakes that hit Croatia, of eight young people who died of gas poisoning during a New Year's Eve celebration in Posusje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and of all COVID casualties.
Agriculture Committee: Concrete support to farmers in earthquake-hit areas needed now
Zagreb - Farmers in earthquake-hit areas need concrete help immediately so that they can stay and live and work there, it was said at a meeting of the parliamentary Agriculture Committee on Friday. Farmers are faced with many problems - damaged houses, farm buildings and equipment, polluted wells and buyers who are taking advantage of the situation and offering low prices for their cattle, the committee heard. 
Parliament Speaker, PM send Christmas greetings to Orthodox believers
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Tuesday sent Christmas greetings to believers who celebrate it according to the Julian calendar. The Speaker recalled that 2020 was "a challenging year, which is why must not forget those in distress who need our support so much. He called for solidarity, tolerance and kindness to our nighbours.
Parliament Speaker Jandroković visited the earthquake-stricken area of Petrinja, Glina, Majske Poljane and Novo Selo Glinsko and said: We must quickly and efficiently rebuild everything
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković visited Petrinja on Wednesday and said that if necessary the Parliament would be convened earlier than scheduled.
Jandroković says Croatia will not leave people from earthquake-hit areas
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, who on Wednesday toured parts of Sisak-Moslavina County hardest hit by the earthquake, said that Croatia would not leave those people and would stay by them.
Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković called on all MPs do donate a part of their salary for December to help earthquake victims
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Wednesday called on all Members of Parliament do donate a part of their salary for December to help earthquake victims in Sisak-Moslavina County.
Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković extends condolences to families of earthquake casualties
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday extended his condolences to the families of casualties in a devastating earthquake that struck Croatia with its epicentre in the town of Petrinja, some 60 kilomeres southeast of Zagreb, and which also caused extensive damage to the towns of Sisak and Glina.
Parliament Speaker Jandroković visited the earthquake-stricken area of Petrinja
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, and President Zoran Milanović on Monday toured the centre of Petrinja which, according to Petrinja Mayor Darinko Dumbović, suffered quite a lot of damage in the earthquakes that hit it this morning.
Parliament Speaker issues Christmas message
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković issued a message for Christmas to Croatian citizens in the homeland and abroad, underscoring Christian values and calling for togetherness and responsible behaviour in the face of the pandemic that hit Croatia and the entire world.
Parliament adopted Christmas Constitution 30 years ago, Speaker recalls
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković recalled on Tuesday that 30 years ago today parliament adopted the so-called Christmas Constitution and thanked Croatia's first president, all the creators of the Constitution and all members of the first Parliament who voted for it.
Parliament to debate decision on system of own resources of EU
Zagreb - The government on Monday forwarded to the parliament a motion to ratify the Council of the EU decision on the system of own resources of the European Union whereby the upper ceiling for contributions by the member-states will be raised for the purpose of financing the recovery instrument.
Parliament: Vessel safety has no alternative
Zagreb - The parliamentary groups of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and the opposition Homeland Movement (DP) said on Monday that Croatia should ratify the international convention for the safe recycling of ships and the agreement on the safety of fishing vessels.
Croatian Parliament Speaker sends best wishes for Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday extended his best wishes to the Jewish faithful for Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights.
Health Minister presents a national cancer prevention strategy
Zagreb - Health Minister Vili Beroš presented the national strategy for cancer prevention in parliament on Thursday, saying that the number of people suffering from malignant diseases was continuously increasing.
Parliament amends set of tax laws
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday amended a set of laws by majority vote related to the fifth round of the tax reform which will enter into force on January 1 and bring HRK 2 billion in tax relief.
Social welfare system burdened by many problems, MPs say
Zagreb - The social welfare system is burdened by many problems, waiting lists for admission to retirement and nursing homes are too long, and conditions in some of those homes are below minimum standards, MPs warned during a debate on amendments to the Social Welfare Act on Thursday.
Draft National Cancer Strategic Framework forwarded to Parliament
Zagreb - The Government on Thursday sent to the Parliament a Draft National Cancer Strategic Framework (NCSF) until 2030, which is aimed at upgrading comprehensive monitoring, prevention, and treatment of malignant diseases.
Parliament discusses a bill on protection of the population against infectious diseases
Zagreb - The Parliament on Wednesday discussed amendments to the Act on the Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases introducing penalties for non-compliance with measures designed to protect against COVID-19, which the ruling majority supports and the Opposition considers belated. Health Minister Vili Beroš said that the measures were balanced and were designed to protect citizens' health and lives and that they would be in force as long as it took to respond to the pandemic. He stressed that the measures included the compulsory wearing of protective masks to prevent the transmission of the disease.
Parliamentary debate on DORH deferred after Chief Prosecutor tests positive
Zagreb - A parliamentary debate on the performance of the Office of Chief State Prosecutor (DORH), set for Thursday, will be delayed until the end of the isolation of the Chief State Prosecutor, who tested positive for coronavirus, Deputy Speaker Furio Radin said on Wednesday.
Opposition says tax reform cosmetic, benefits the rich
Zagreb - While the ruling HDZ's MPs on Wednesday commended the Government's bills from the fifth tax reform round, the Opposition insisted the amendments were superficial, that they would benefit the rich, and that Croatia needed a new tax model.
Croatian Parliament approves deployment of troops to nine international missions
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday gave the green light for the deployment of Croatian army personnel to nine international peacekeeping missions in 2021 and 2022. The proposal was put forward under six decisions each of which was put to a vote. They received between 108 and 112 votes in favour.
Croatian Parliament approves deployment of troops to nine international missions
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday gave the green light for the deployment of Croatian army personnel to nine international peacekeeping missions in 2021 and 2022. The proposal was put forward under six decisions each of which was put to a vote. They received between 108 and 112 votes in favour.
Parliament adopts amendments to Enforcement Act
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted amendments to the Enforcement Act, reducing the costs of enforcement proceedings, introducing electronic communication and exempting Christmas and Easter bonuses, holiday grants, and meal allowances from debt collection. 
Parliament amends rules of procedure
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday amended its rules of procedure by a majority vote, aligning it with a Constitutional Court decision which quashed a regulation that limited the number of MPs who could participate in sessions, state opinions, and reply due to anti-coronavirus measures.
Parliament to define principles for implementing immigration policy
Zagreb - Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) lawmakers on Wednesday welcomed a provision of the final bill on foreign nationals whereby the Sabor would, at the proposal of the government, define the principles to implement a comprehensive immigration policy for a period of at least five years.
Parliament revises 2020 budget
Zagreb - Parliament on Wednesday revised the 2020 state budget for the second time with projections for 2021 and 2022, rejecting all 13 amendments submitted by the opposition. Seventy-six MPs voted for the revision, while 50 voted against.
Parliament adopts annual report on Government's work
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday adopted the annual report on the work of Government by a majority vote, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said that the current year was special in many ways, noting that the months ahead of us will be difficult and full of new challenges.
Media Committee calls for the adoption of hate speech codes
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's Committee on Information, Computerisation and Media on Wednesday called on providers of media services and electronic publications to adopt their own hate speech codes. The Committee also concluded that hate speech should be systematically curbed by promoting media literacy among the public.
Committee Chairman Vidović attended a meeting on EU social policies
Berlin - Within the parliamentary dimension of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, a meeting was held among the Chairs of the Committees of National Parliaments and the European Parliament on the topic "For a social and fair Europe".
The opposition says 2020 budget rejig unrealistic
Zagreb - Part of the Parliamentary opposition said on Thursday the 2020 budget rejig was unrealistic and that the ruling coalition lived in "Happyland". Presenting the revised 2020 budget in Parliament, PM Andrej Plenković said the fiscal policy was transparent and that when the Government said the deficit would be HRK 29.5 billion, "then it is so."
Gov't sends to Parliament bills from 5th tax reform round
Zagreb - The Government on Thursday sent to Parliament four tax reform bills which envisage cutting income tax from 24 to 20% and from 36 to 30% as well as profit tax from 12 to 10% for enterprises which make up to HRK 7.5 million a year.
Opposition points out public health, clientelism and corruption as Govt's weaknesses
Zagreb - Croatian opposition parties used the Prime Minister's annual report to Parliament as an opportunity to draw attention to weaknesses in the Government's work, primarily those concerning public healthcare, clientelism, and corruption.
PM says 2020 marked by unprecedented challenges
Zagreb - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said in Parliament while presenting an annual report on the work of his Government, that this year was extraordinary in many regards, with many unprecedented challenges.
Croatian Parliament starts a new session in line with anti-COVID measures
Zagreb - The Croatian Sabor started its new, 4th session on Tuesday adhering to special epidemiological measures. At the beginning of Question Time, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković asked lawmakers to be responsible and show solidarity to each other so that they can do their job properly.
Fiscal Policy Commission asks Government to postpone some fiscal measures
Zagreb - The Fiscal Policy Commission has supported the Government's efforts to consolidate public finance as soon as possible, but it noted that due to high public debt and a low rate of potential growth fiscal policy measures must have specific targets and be temporary and efficient.
Identity Card Act to be amended
Zagreb - The Government has sent the final bill amending the Identity Card Act to the parliament, and a novelty is that biometric identifiers in the form of a facial image and two fingerprints will be stored in the storage medium of the new ID cards.
Parliament to start a new session on 3 November
Zagreb - Croatia's Parliament will convene for a new session in November and the new meeting will begin on 3 November with Question Time and Prime Minister Andrej Plenović's report on European Council sessions.
The Croatian healthcare system needs restructuring, parliamentary committee told
Zagreb - The Croatian healthcare system needs serious restructuring, but should continue to operate on a basis of solidarity and provide care for all, the chair of the parliamentary Healthcare Committee, Renata Sabljar-Dračevac (SDP), told on Monday after a discussion on the debt in the health sector.
Constitutional Court abolishes 'epidemiological' amendments to parliament's rules
Zagreb - The Constitutional Court on Wednesday abolished the "epidemiological" amendments to parliament's rules of procedure, concluding that there were technical solutions to protect health while at the same time not restricting the rights and obligations of lawmakers to participate in debates.
SDP MP Sabina Glasovac appointed Deputy Parliament Speaker
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday unanimously elected Social Democratic Party (SDP) MP Sabina Glasovac as a Deputy Parliament Speaker.
Croatia's Parliament sits more than legislatures in Slovenia, Austria, Czechia
Zagreb - The Croatian Sabor has sat for 21 days this autumn in conditions of the coronavirus pandemic and that is a lot more than the parliaments of Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. The only parliament that is sitting longer this autumn than Croatia's is Hungary's National Assembly.
2019 report of Office of Children's Ombudsman on Parliament's agenda
Zagreb - Parliament, which is expected to complete its first session on Friday, will discuss a report by Children's Ombudsman Helenca Pirnat Dragičević for 2019 on Thursday.
Croatian Parliament marks its day
Zagreb - Deputy Speaker Ante Sanader said on Thursday that when the Croatian Parliament had decided 29 years ago to sever all state and legal ties with the then Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), it had again proven that it was the true guardian of the Croatian people's sovereignity and legal order.
Opposition: Government bill on the rehabilitation of credit institutions should be supported
Zagreb - A part of the parliamentary Opposition said on Wednesday that the government-sponsored bill on the rehabilitation of credit institutions and investment companies made life easier for Croatian citizens and should therefore be supported.