9th term of the Croatian Parliament (14 October 2016 - 22 July 2020)

Tourism Committee

Scope of work

The Tourism Committee shall establish and monitor the implementation of policies, and in procedures to enact legislation and other regulations it shall have the rights and duties of a competent working body in matters pertaining to:
- the concept and strategy of the development of Croatian tourism;
- the establishment and monitoring of the implementation of tourism development policies of the Republic of Croatia;
- the hospitality industry and tourism activities and directly related activities;
- the monitoring of concessions in tourism;
- developmental programmes in tourism of particular importance to the economic development of the Republic of Croatia;
- the establishment and monitoring of the implementation of the policy of protection and maintenance of the quality of tourist sites.

Appointed members
Andrea Tomić, M. Sc., member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Dora Smolčić Jurdana, Ph. D., member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals
Dragan Magaš, member from among the ranks of public officials, scholars and professionals