
Results found: 1422
Results found: 1422

Parliament Speaker says state institutions cooperating well in current crisis

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Wednesday that all state institutions were cooperating well and that protecting people's lives and health with as few consequences as possible was the main priority in the current crisis caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.  

Parliament Speaker to request Constitutional Court's opinion on restrictions of civil liberties

Zagreb - The Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Gordan Jandroković, announced on Wednesday he would request an opinion of the Constitutional Court on "restrictions of civil liberties" imposed as part of efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Parliament observes minute's silence for 15-year-old girl fatally injured in earthquake

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament opened Wednesday's sitting with a minute of silence for a 15-year-old girl fatally injured in the earthquake in Zagreb on Sunday. Parliament convened in the old headquarters of the INA oil company because the Parliament building was damaged in the earthquake.

Parliament to reconvene on Wednesday in historic INA building

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament will hold its sessions in the historic building of INA oil company given the damage Parliament House has suffered in earthquakes this past Sunday, and its members will discuss two government bills on Wednesday.

Amendments to increase maternity benefits for the second six months

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Thursday unanimously adopted amendments to the maternity and parental allowance law which, from April 1, will increase the allowance for the second six months of the child's life.

Parliament adopts set of bills to help businesses affected by COVID-19

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Thursday adopted a package of government-sponsored bills valued at almost HRK 30 billion to help the economy affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, with 63 measures primarily aimed at preserving jobs and ensuring payment of wages.

Amendments giving national civil protection authority more powers voted in

Zagreb - The national civil protection authority has been given greater powers to facilitate the work of state institutions amid the coronavirus epidemic and amendments to that effect were voted in by the Parliament on Wednesday and they go into force on Thursday.

MPs to sit in every other bench, galleries

Zagreb - In order to prevent the spreading of the novel coronavirus, the Croatian Parliament will organise its plenary sessions in line with the national civil protection authority's recommendations on minimum personal distance

Speaker says Parliament will reduce its activities but will continue sitting

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Friday that the parliamentary leadership had reached a high degree of agreement with party groups on the need for the Parliament to continue working.

Parliament Speaker, organisers talk 75th Bleiburg commemoration

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday met with representatives of the Church and the Honorary Bleiburg Platoon about the organisation of the 75th Bleiburg commemoration in Austria.

Parliament Speaker calls for permanent promotion of equal social opportunities

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday sent a message with best wishes to female members of the Parliament and to female citizens of the country on International Women's Day, underscoring that Croatia will continue promoting a tolerant and equal society that provides all with equal opportunities.

Jandroković called on the European Union to assume a joint response to the migrant crisis

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, on the margins of the two-day Inter-parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP-CSDP), which began on Tuesday in Zagreb, called on the European Union to assume a joint response to the migrant crisis.

Parliament adopts law proclaiming Vukovar place of special respect

Zagreb - Parliament on Friday adopted a law proclaiming the eastern town of Vukovar a place of special homeland respect and a law whereby the Health Ministry assumes charge of the Vukovar General County Hospital. The law proclaiming Vukovar a place of special respect was adopted by the majority vote. Its aim is to nurture the memory of what the town went through in the Homeland War as well as encourage its development.

Parliament adopts 2021 census law

Zagreb - A population census will be taken in Croatia in spring 2021 under the Population Census Act which Parliament adopted on Friday after a week's delay and this morning's meeting of the ruling coalition. The census will take place from April 1 to May 7, 2021. It will be organised, coordinated and carried out by the national statistical office, for which the government has allocated HRK 177.3 million

Parliament discusses proposal to appoint a commission for citizens' complaints against police work

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Thursday discussed a proposal to appoint a nine-member commission for citizens' complaints against the work of the Ministry of the Interior, whose establishment was envisaged by the Police Act back in 2015.

Parliamentary committee approves Public Ombudswoman's report for 2018

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's Human Rights and Ethnic Minorities Committee on Thursday unanimously endorsed the report for 2018 by Public Ombudswoman Lora Vidović, who cited racial and ethnic discrimination, a rise in the poverty risk rate for senior citizens, growing mistrust in state institutions and emigration as the biggest challenges.

Deputy Parliament Speaker Reiner attends an inter-parliamentary conference in Brussels

Zagreb - Deputy Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner on Tuesday and Wednesday participated in the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union in Brussels, as part of European Parliamentary Week.

Milanović sworn in as fifth President of Croatia

Zagreb - Zoran Milanović was sworn in as the fifth President of Croatia at a ceremony that started at noon on Tuesday in the President's Office in Zagreb. Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said President Zoran Milanović's inauguration speech was a good start to his term, highlighting the need to cooperate with Croatia's benefit.

Kujundžić returns to Parliament, Jerković leaves for European Parliament

Zagreb - Members of Parliament on Thursday supported by a majority vote the decision of the Credentials and Privileges Commission (MIP) to terminate Milan Kujundžić's suspension of term of office as MP.

Jandroković attends parliament speakers' meeting in Bratislava

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday attended a meeting of national parliament speakers of the Slavkov group, which consists of Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as a representative of a country holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

Chief State Prosecutor says focus is on war crimes, corruption, hate speech

Zagreb - Chief State Prosecutor Dražen Jelenić presented in Parliament on Wednesday work reports for 2017 and 2018, saying his office (DORH) paid special attention to corruption cases but that it was difficult to expect results overnight because of numerous unfounded reports.

Lawmakers agree on broad debate needed regarding the introduction of euro

Zagreb - Lawmakers agreed on Thursday on the need for a broad debate on the introduction of the euro currency in Croatia and a debate in Parliament on amendments to the Law on the Croatian National Bank and on Law on Credit Institutions will contribute in that regard.

HNB Governor: Positive economic trends continue

Zagreb - Croatian National Bank (HNB) Governor Boris Vujčić submitted a report on the implementation of monetary policy in 2018-2019 to Parliament on Wednesday, saying that positive economic trends continued on the labour market with increased employment and wages.

Parliamentary debate on abortion adjourned

Zagreb - A parliamentary debate on the SDP-sponsored bill on medical termination of pregnancy was adjourned on Wednesday evening because the Government had not declared its stance and its representative did not show up in the Parliament chamber.

Croatian Parliament Speaker receives Muslim World League Secretary General

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday received the visiting Secretary General of the Muslim World League, Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, and during their meeting he pointed out the role of the Islamic community in Croatia.

Parliament passes law on private protection, endorses reports on HINA, HRT

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted a new law on private protection and security services, also endorsed a report on the work of the Croatian Radio and Television (HRT) Programming Council in 2017 and a report on the work of the Croatian news agency HINA's steering council in 2018.

Croatian Parliament Speaker receives Norwegian foreign minister

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Wednesday received Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide for talks on bilateral cooperation and possibilities for its advancement.

Jandroković: Croatia interested in neighbouring countries' integration with EU

Zagreb - It is in Croatia's interest that countries in its southeast neighbourhood have a clear prospect of joining the EU, primarily because of security reasons, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said in Brussels on Tuesday.

Croatian Parliament pays tribute to all Holocaust victims

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday observed a minute's silence for all Holocaust victims, with Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković saying that the victims must remain in the collective memory of humankind so that those atrocities are never repeated.

MPs warn about poor state of rail infrastructure

Zagreb - During a parliamentary debate on the safety and interoperability of the rail system on Friday, members of parliament warned about a poor state of the rail infrastructure, to which Transport Minister Oleg Butković said that all problems related to rail infrastructure could not be solved in a single government term.

Education Committee calls for promoting working definition of antisemitism

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's Education, Science and Culture Committee on Thursday adopted a conclusion encouraging state institutions and civil society organisations to promote the working definition of antisemitism that was adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), of which Croatia is a member.

Chair of the European Affairs Committee Milošević met the European Commissioner for Justice Reyndersom

Zagreb - Domagoj Ivan Milošević, Chair of the European Affairs Committee and the Committee members met the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders. As an introduction, Milošević referred to the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Committees for the Union Affairs (COSAC) already held and outlined the most important developments of the parliamentary dimension of the Presidency.

MPs support lower bank fees for euro cross-border payments

Zagreb - Members of Parliament on Wednesday welcomed a decrease in fees domestic banks charge for cross-border payments in euros, as proposed by amendments to the law on the implementation of EU regulations relating to payment transactions.

Croatian Parliament Speaker Jandroković receives Bundestag EU affairs committee delegation

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday received a delegation of the German Bundestag's Committee on European Union Affairs to discuss European topics including Brexit, the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), and enlargement.

Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandroković Participated in the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC)

Zagreb – The Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandroković participated in the meeting of the Chairperson of the Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC).

Chairman of the European Affairs Committee Milošević at the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC)

Zagreb - In his introductory address, the Chairman of the European Affairs Committee Domagoj Ivan Milošević highlighted the importance of COSAC and its contribution to the collaboration between the committees of national parliaments dealing with European Union affairs and the European Parliament.

Discussion with the Prime Minister of the Croatian Government Plenković on the Priorities of the Croatian Presidency

Zagreb - Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković participated in the debate on the priorities of the Croatian Presidency at the meeting of the President of the Committee on Union Affairs (COSAC).

EC Vice-President Dubravka Šuica Presents Conference on the Future of Europe

Zagreb - Commissioner Dubravka Šuica addressed the participants during the second session of the COSAC meeting. She highlighted the importance of partnership between the European Commission and the national parliaments, achieved through political dialogue and other instruments arising from the Treaties.

Parliament debates motion for no-confidence vote in education minister

Zagreb - Parliament on Wednesday night held a debate on an opposition motion for a no-confidence vote in Science and Education Minister Blaženka Divjak, with Prime Minister Andrej Plenković saying he would persevere in the education reform which, he added, represented a unique strategic step forward.

Croatia observing anniversaries of international recognition and peaceful reintegration of its Danube region

Zagreb - On 15 January, 28 years ago, the then member-states of the European Union recognised Croatia and on this day 22 years ago, the country completed the peaceful reintegration of its Danube region.

Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and the MPs meet the College of Commissioners of the European Commission

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and the MPs meet the College of Commissioners of the European Commission, attending the opening of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković meets European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

Zagreb – The Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Jandroković and the President of the European Commission von der Leyen discussed the main priorities of the Croatian EU Council Presidency and the programme of the parliamentary meetings that will be attended, among others, by a number of members of the European Commission.

Parliament speaker, European Council president hold talks

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday held talks with European Council President Charles Michel on parliamentary meetings to be held during Croatia's presidency of the EU.

European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski on a working visit to the Croatian Parliament

Zagreb - European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski met with the Chair of the Agriculture Committee Tomislav Panenić and the Committee Members in the Croatian Parliament.

MPs Miro Kovač and Joško Klisović spoke to Brussels correspondents about Croatian support to Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to EU

Zagreb - Croatia hosts a five-day press trip for a group of about 60 correspondents from international media houses in Brussels.

Speaker: Parliament to sit from 15 January to 3 April

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday announced a new session of parliament, which will be convened next Wednesday, January 15 and already has 112 items on the agenda, including a vote of no confidence in Science and Education Minister Blaženka Divjak.

Jandroković: Croatia will show its ability and vision in chairing Council of EU

Vienna - Croatia will do its best to show its ability and vision during its presidency of the Council of the European Union and it expects support from all friendly countries, including Austria of course, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on New Year's Day in Vienna.

Parliament Speaker: May New Year bring prosperity to all

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jadroković on Tuesday extended a message for the 2020 year wishing prosperity in the private, family and business life of Croatian citizens and expressing hope that the new year is an incentive for thinking about one's own contribution to the further strengthening of Croatia.

Replies were favourite MP tool in 2019

Zagreb - In 2019 Croatian MPs asked to speak over 11,000 times during debates in the legislature, one in two times to reply or respond to a reply, according to the Sabor's annual statistics. The statistics show that MPs do not like to speak as committee rapporteurs, having done so only 24 times this year.

Parliament Speaker Jandroković issues Christmas message

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday sent a message to all Croats at home and abroad and all Croatian citizens, offering them his best wishes for Christmas.