
Results found: 1431
Ukupno rezultata: 1431
Parliament concluded this year's work
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Friday adopted two strategies, passed several laws, accepted reports by different agencies and thus concluded the extraordinary session and this year's work.
Parliament adopts Law on Excess Profit Tax
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament in an extraordinary session on Friday adopted the Law on Excess Profit Tax, according to which companies with increased profits will become liable for this tax regardless of the business they are in.
Parliament: Croatia's IT sector is growing
Zagreb - The Croatian IT sector is growing and has proved to be less vulnerable to the negative impact of the crisis in 2020 and 2021, the state secretary of the Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society, Bernard Gršić, said during discussion on the proposed Digital Croatia Strategy 2032 in Parliament on Thursday.
MPs are debating amendments to Agriculture Act
Zagreb - MPs of the ruling majority on Thursday spoke of positive steps in domestic agriculture, while the opposition complained about import growth, saying Croatia is importing even grass, sawdust and cereals for rodents.
Parliamentary committee endorses Reconstruction Act reports
Zagreb - The parliamentary physical planning committee on Wednesday endorsed reports on the effects of the Reconstruction Act, which say progress has been made in the adoption of decisions, while the opposition remarked they contained too many numbers and too few projects realised.
Health Minister Vili Beroš: Sustainability and patient in the focus goals of healthcare reform
Zagreb - Strengthening the public healtcare system, improving preventive healthcare, reorganising the hospital system, investing in human resources and, above all, making the system sustainable and placing the patient in the focus are the aims of the reform, Health Minister Vili Beroš said on Wednesday.
Parliament discusses package of healthcare laws
Zagreb - At the beginning of a debate on the package of healthcare laws that are crucial for the implementation of the healthcare reform, Opposition MPs claimed that there was no healthcare reform, only the introduction of "crawling privatisation," while the HDZ members say that it is a step forward.
Ruling and opposition MPs welcome rise in non-taxable receipts of dependents
Zagreb - During a parliamentary debate on the final bill to amend the Income Tax Act on Tuesday,  both the ruling majority and opposition welcomed the rise from HRK 15,000 to HRK 24,000 that a dependent family member can earn in a year and still qualify as a dependent.
Parliament Speaker: Parliament to hold extraordinary session on December 16
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament will hold an extraordinary session on Friday at the government's request, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković announced on Monday, December 16.
The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and political system decided on the distribution of allocations for the parliamentary parties and independent MPs in 2023
Zagreb - The parliamentary committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and political system on Wednesday decided on the distribution of allocations for the parliamentary parties in 2023 when the total disbursement for this purpose amounts to €8.3 million.
Minister Vučković presented the draft amendments to the legislation on aquaculture and fisheries
Zagreb - Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković on Friday informed the parliament about good results in Croatia's marine and freshwater fisheries and significant investments in this sector.
Parliament Speaker: Sabor to continue contributing to initiatives aimed at enhancing minorities' status
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Friday that the Croatian national legislature would continue giving its contribution to all the initiatives aimed at improving the status of ethnic minorities.
Opposition says strategy ignores tourism in continental Croatia
Zagreb - The 2030 draft strategy for the development of sustainable tourism was commended on Thursday by MPs from the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), while the opposition ironically wondered where continental tourism had "disappeared", especially tourist industry in Slavonia.
The parliament debates government's proposal on training of Ukrainian soldiers in Croatia
Zagreb - Croatian lawmakers on Wednesday were debating the government's proposal to allow Ukrainian soldiers to train in Croatia as part of the EUMAM mission.
Parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System agreed draft changes to the Constitution
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System on Tuesday agreed draft changes to the Constitution regarding referenda and related amendments to the constitutional law on the Constitutional Court, which will be sent to parliament for a plenary.
Parliament adopted the state budget for 2023
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Tuesday adopted the state budget for 2023, the state's most important financial document geared towards alleviating the consequences of the economic crisis, maintaining economic growth and development and preserving social security.
Jandroković and Pahor discussed cooperation, energy, war in Ukraine
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković received Slovenia's outgoing President Borut Pahor for the talks on energy, the war in Ukraine, and economic cooperation. Jandroković and Pahor recalled their cooperation, including the period of unblocking Croatia's accession negotiations for membership to the European Union.
Sabor Speaker: Zero tolerance for all forms of violence against women
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Friday, on the occasion of  the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, that there must be zero tolerance towards all forms of violence against women.
PM presented the proposed 2023 budget to Parliament
Zagreb - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković presented the proposed 2023 budget to Parliament on Wednesday, saying that the government's measures will make Croatia even more resilient to crises.
Opposition says 2023 budget is unrealistic and inflated, HDZ says it's realistic, sustainable
Zagreb - Unlike the ruling HDZ, opposition parties in parliament on Thursday had little positive to say about the draft budget for 2023, claiming that the government is playing it safe and the budget is unrealistic and inflated, not good for anyone except the state and the government.
Parliament Speaker Jandroković met with Austrian Chancellor Nehammer
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković met with visiting Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer on Wednesday.
Sabor Speaker and Spanish King Felipe VI talk excellent and friendly relations
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and Spanish King Felipe VI on Thursday described the bilateral relations as excellent and friendly, and agreed that they can be boosted in the IT, pharmaceutical and defence industries. 
Committee on Constitution supports code of ethics for MPs
Zagreb - The parliament's Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System on Wednesday supported by a majority vote a draft code of ethics for members of parliament and forwarded it to be discussed at a plenary session.
Agricultural production seeing fastest growth, Minister Vučković said
Zagreb - Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković said on Wednesday Croatia's agricultural productivity was among the fastest growing and that the export-import ratio in agriculture was 68.8%, more than the ratio for non-agricultural and non-food products.
Draft amendments to Civil Servants Act put on fast track to expedite employment
Zagreb - In order to facilitate filling positions in state bodies to ensure the timely performance of their duties, the government on Thursday moved amendments to the Civil Servants Act to be put on a fast track in the Parliament.
Croatian Parliament Speaker to pay two-day official visit to Romania
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković will be in Romania on Tuesday and Wednesday for an official visit, during which he will meet with senior Romanian officials and visit the Croatian community in several villages in the west of the country.
Croatian Parliament Speaker tells Romanian MPs two countries had a similar journey
Zagreb - Croatia and Romania's political journeys have many similarities - from transition from Communism to democracy to Euro-Atlantic integration - and today the two countries cooperate closely and have similar views as to where they belong, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Tuesday.
Croatian Parliament Speaker, Romania PM say bilateral ties strong
Zagreb - Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă on Tuesday received Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and they said Romania-Croatia ties were strong and based on bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
Sabor revised the 2022 State Budget for the second time this year
Zagreb - The Sabor on Friday revised the 2022 State Budget for the second time this year, with 77 lawmakers of the majority voting in favour of the revision and 46 opposition MPs voting against.
Croatian Parliament marked World Day of Romani Language
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday marked the World Day of Romani Language, observed on 5 November, and on this occasion Speaker Gordan Jandroković was presented with a memorial scroll with Romani insignia, flag and anthem commemorating the 10th anniversary of the declaration of this day.
Ministry of Finance State Secretary Zdravko Zrinušić: Increase of non-taxable receipt amount for dependents covers 93,000 people
Zagreb - Ministry of Finance State Secretary Zdravko Zrinušić said on Thursday that the planned increase in the annual amount of non-taxable receipts for dependents from HRK 15,000 to HRK 24,000 would encompass 93,000 people.
MPs call for increase of non-taxable receipts for dependents to HRK 30,000
Zagreb - HDZ MPs on Thursday commended the government's proposal to increase the annual non-taxable receipts of dependents from HRK 15,000 to HRK 24,000, and the opposition also supported it, but noted that the increase was not sufficient considering inflation and proposed that they be increased to HRK 30,000.
Opposition says theatre bill gives enormous powers to theatre managers
Zagreb - A draft bill on theatres was commended by MPs of the ruling HDZ party on Wednesday, while the opposition criticised it, noting that it gave enormous powers to theatre managers and directors and objecting that managers would be appointed by executive and not by representative bodies, as is the case now.
Parliament voting on 2022 state budget revision on Friday
Zagreb - Parliament will vote for a revised budget for this year on Friday after discussing about 100 amendments submitted to the draft revision on Wednesday.
Opposition: Gov't using inflation to fill budget, giving citizens scraps
Zagreb - The opposition on Thursday criticised the draft 2022 budget revision, saying it shows that the government is using inflation to fill the state budget while giving citizens scraps, but the ruling HDZ said the government was rationally managing finances.
Primorac: Gov't knows how to manage public finances in challenging times
Zagreb - The latest draft of the 2022 budget revision proves that also in challenging times the government is capable of managing public finances, Finance Minister Marko Primorac told the Croatian parliament on Thursday.
Parl. Summit of International Crimea Platform starts in Zagreb, help pledged to Ukraine
Zagreb - The First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform started in Zagreb on Wednesday with the opening remarks of Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and his Ukrainian counterpart Ruslan Stefanchuk with the message highlighting the commitment to providing help to Ukraine.
Joint Declaration of the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform
Zagreb - 43 delegations attending the parliamentary dimension of the International Crimea Platform in Zagreb today adopted a Joint Declaration.
PM: By supporting Ukraine, world did not repeat mistake from Croatia case in 1990s
Zagreb - The world did not repeat the mistakes of 30 years ago when Croatia did not have a general expression of solidarity like Ukraine, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Tuesday at the opening of the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform.
Pelosi: Ukraine is fighting for democracy for all of us
Zagreb - The Ukrainian people are fighting for democracy for all of us, said Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday in Zagreb.
International Crimea Platform
Zagreb - At the request of the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), due to the war in Ukraine, the Croatian Parliament accepted to co-host the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform. Thus, on 25 October 2022, the parliamentary dimension of the International Crimea Platform will be inaugurated here in Croatia.
Committee prepares list of 13 candidates for new Conflict of Interest Commission
Zagreb - The parliamentary Elections, Appointments and Administration Committee has unanimously determined a list of 13 candidates who meet the requirements to be members of the Conflict of Interest Commission.
Minister of Labour: Labour Bill response to key challenges of our time
Zagreb - Minister of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy Marin Piletić said on Thursday that the amendments to the Labor Act (ZOR) are aimed at creating a modern labour market and responding to the challenges and changes in the market while protecting workers and entrepreneurs.
Parliamentary committee on defence adopts annual report on defence
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on Defence on Thursday adopted by a majority vote the Annual Report on Defence for 2021 by Minister Mario Banožić, which underlines the importance of investing in defence so as to respond to the new security environment resulting from geopolitical and geostrategic changes.
Opposition not happy with Labour Bill, HDZ claims it will boost employment
Zagreb - Opposition parties listed a number of objections to the proposed amendments to the Labor Act on Thursday, while the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) claimed they were a step forward that would boost employment, and wage and pension growth.
The Prime Minister presented the Annual Report of the Government of the Republic of Croatia to the Parliament
Zagreb - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković announced an increase in the average net wage to HRK 8,200 or €1,088 by the end of this government's term and an increase in the minimum wage to around HRK 4,220 as of next week, as well as regulating Sunday trading.
Part of the opposition boycotted the Prime Minister's report
Zagreb - Left and liberal opposition MPs said on Tuesday they boycotted the prime minister's state-of-the-nation report because he evaded questions about the INA corruption affair, adding that his successes are "nonexistent" and his government is "marked by theft and corruption."
Minister: New law on sports aimed at having as many children as possible included in sports
Zagreb - The bill on sports was on the agenda of the parliament on Thursday and Opposition MPs called for making it possible for every child to have free-of-charge access to sporting activities, while Minister Nikolina Brnjac said the aim of the law is to increase the number of children in such activities.
Opposition says selling debts, loans to third parties has become grey market
Zagreb - Debating amendments to consumer and housing loans on Wednesday, the parliamentary opposition said the sale of debts and consumer loans to third parties constituted a grey market and the loan sharking of citizens.
Speaker says citizens very much interested in Parliament House Open Day
Zagreb - On the occasion of Croatian Parliament Day, Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday expressed satisfaction with citizens' great interest in visiting the Sabor on Parliament House Open Day.