
Results found: 1422
Results found: 1422

Parliament confirms two new ministers, deputy PM

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday confirmed the appointment of two new government ministers, Davor Filipović and Marin Piletić, as well as Anja Šimpraga as new Deputy Prime Minister.

Parliament votes on amended Criminal Records Act

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday unanimously voted on amendments to the Act on the Legal Consequences of Conviction, Criminal Records, and Rehabilitation, which regulates the international exchange of information from criminal records.

Jandroković: Croatia remembers victims of genocide against Jews with respect

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Thursday that by commemorating Yom HaShoah Croatia was remembering with great respect the innocent victims of the genocide against the Jewish people during World War II.

Parliament Speaker receives outgoing Japanese ambassador

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Wednesday received the outgoing Japanese Ambassador Misako Kaji, thanking her for conveying Japan's experience in dealing with earthquakes and a donation for the Croatian regions hit by two devastating quakes in 2020.

Preschool Education Act amendments met with criticism

Zagreb - Amendments to the Preschool Education Act on Wednesday provoked strong criticism by the opposition, which claims that they are detrimental to children, while the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) points out they will provide higher quality preschool education and better access to it.

Delegations of Parliament, Government, minorities, and SABA mark Jasenovac Breakout Day

Zagreb - The delegations of the Parliament, Government, ethnic minorities, and the Alliance of Antifascist Fighters and Antifascists (SABA) participated in a remembrance ceremony at the Jasenovac Memorial Centre on Friday to mark the 77th anniversary of the breakout of prisoners from the WW2 death camp.

Parliament unanimously supports the declaration of National Cancer Survivors Day

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Thursday unanimously supported the initiative to declare the first Sunday in June National Cancer Survivors Day. The chair of the Health and Social Policy Committee, Renata Sabljar Dračevac, said that National Cancer Survivors Day will put focus on this large population and on the importance of prevention and healthy lifestyles.

Parliament Speaker extends Easter greetings

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković says in his Easter message that this Christian holiday encourages the promotion of peace, forgiveness, and charity, and he calls for thinking of all who are suffering and who have lost the hope and joy of their life in these fast-changing times marked by the Ukraine war.

Croatian Parliament Speaker issues message for Passover

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Friday extended his best wishes to the Jewish faithful on the occasion of Passover, a holiday celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and the joy of freedom as a fundamental human value.

Croatian Parliament Speaker issues message for International Romani Day

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković has issued a message for International Romani Day, observed on 8 April, saying that Croatia persists in promoting the status of the Romani and their social integration, in particular the integration of young people into the education system.

Parliament passes new law on whistleblowers

Zagreb - Parliament on Friday passed a new law protecting whistleblowers which will strengthen their legal protection and simplify the procedure for reporting irregularities.

Government representative rejects some 60 opposition amendments to the whistleblower protection law

Zagreb - Sixty-eight, mostly opposition amendments to the Act on the Reporting of Irregularities, colloquially called the whistleblower protection law, were rejected by a government representative in the Parliament on Thursday. 

Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter sent the annual report for 2021 to the Croatian Parliament

Zagreb - Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter submitted to the Croatian Parliament the written annual report for 2021, which includes an analysis and assessment of the human rights and equality situation in Croatia and 156 recommendations for improving citizens' rights.

Lawmakers welcomed a ban on the use of pesticides that are hazardous to bees

Zagreb - Lawmakers on Wednesday welcomed a ban on the use of pesticides that are hazardous to bees during spring blossoming to avoid a repeat of the situation of June 2020 when millions of bees in Međimurje died.

Committee recommended constitutionality test for COVID referendum questions

Zagreb - The committee on the Constitution on Wednesday recommended by majority vote that parliament forward the questions from the Bridge party's referendum petitions against COVID certificates and the national COVID crisis management team to the Constitutional Court for assessment.

Jandroković: Parliaments are guardians of democracy in challenging times

Zagreb - We are living in the most challenging times after World War II, and parliaments should have the role of guardians of democracy and the rule of law, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said at the Conference of the Speakers of EU Parliaments in Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia on Monday.

MPs call for more investment in islands

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday endorsed a report on the effects of the implementation of the Islands Act in 2020, but opposition MPs warned of the problem of a shortage of doctors on the islands, insufficient investment in schools, and unresolved land title issues.

MPs welcome greater use of green energy and hydrogen strategy

Zagreb - Members of the Croatian Parliament on Thursday welcomed the proposal for a national hydrogen strategy until 2050, stressing the importance of economic development based on hydrogen, own energy production, and increased electricity production from renewable sources. Some opposition lawmakers warned of the commercial unprofitability of green hydrogen.

Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković meets his Chinese counterpart Li Zhanshu in a video conference

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković met via video link the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Li Zhanshu on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Croatia and the People’s Republic of China.

Finance Minister: Government's measures can't offset price rises but can alleviate them

Zagreb - Finance Minister Zdravko Marić said on Thursday that the measures proposed by the government could not offset the price rises fully but they could alleviate their impact. During a parliamentary debate on draft amendments to the law on the Value Added Tax whereby VAT rates are lowered on gas and food, Marić said that the tax policy could not solve all the issues and that a lower VAT rate did not necessarily mean that prices would drop to a desirable extent, however, "all of us should make contributions to the well-being of citizens."

Opposition says VAT cuts welcome, but late

Zagreb - The government's proposal to cut VAT on food and gas is welcome but late and insufficient, the parliamentary opposition said on Thursday, while the ruling HDZ said the cut was timely and that it would help citizens weather the price rises.

Croatia sending up to 70 troops to Hungary, Parliament decides

Zagreb - Croatia will send up to 70 troops to Hungary as part of NATO's Enhanced Vigilance, Parliament decided by majority vote on Friday. One MP voted against and 118 for the decision to send troops to Hungary, where they can be deployed this year and the next, with the possibility of rotation.

Sabor amends Bankruptcy Act

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament amended the Bankruptcy Act on Friday in order to provide more efficient action during the insolvency of businesses as a consequence of special circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The amendments regulate mechanisms for early warning to debtors facing financial problems to start restructuring their business.

Some MPs say the euro will bring multiple benefits, others say living standards will fall

Zagreb - The government's proposal to introduce the euro as the official currency in Croatia on 1 January 2023 divided MPs on Wednesday, with some seeing multiple benefits and others claiming that it will further lower living standards.

Paladina receives parliament's vote of confidence as new construction minister

Zagreb - Parliament on Wednesday gave a vote of confidence in Ivan Paladina as the new minister of construction, physical planning, and state assets, after which he was sworn in. He was supported by 77 lawmakers in the 151-seat legislature, while 51 were against and three abstained.

Jandroković issues message for International Women's Day

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković extended his best wishes for International Women's Day on Tuesday, saying that a lot of effort still needed to be made to achieve equality between women and men in all spheres of society.

The government sent to Parliament a bill on the introduction of the euro

Zagreb - The government on Thursday sent the Parliament a bill on the introduction of the euro as legal tender in Croatia for first reading, and, among other things, the bill concerns the basic principles of euro introduction, possibilities of exchanging kuna for euros and the period of both currencies being in use.

Jandroković, Stefanchuk talk Ukraine situation

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Tuesday spoke on the phone with Ruslan Stefanchuk, the Chairman of the Ukrainian Rada, who informed him of the current situation in his war-torn country.

Croatian Parliament adopts Agriculture Strategy 2030

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted the Agricultural Strategy 2030, which aims to increase the value of agricultural output from the present HRK 20 billion to 30 billion annually.

Croatian Parliament adopts Declaration on Ukraine

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted the Declaration on Ukraine, with 133 votes for and one abstention, which condemns in the strongest terms Russia's unprovoked aggression on Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.

MPs for building charging stations for vehicles running on electricity, hydrogen, gas

Zagreb - Croatian parliamentarians on Thursday supported amendments to a law on the establishment of infrastructure for alternative fuels, underlining the importance of building as many charging stations for alternative fuels as possible.

Government's agriculture strategy inapplicable to Croatia, Opposition claims

Zagreb - The government's agriculture strategy up to 2030 resulted in a heated polemic in the Sabor on Thursday even prior to the official debate, with the opposition saying that it did not contain anything specific to Croatia and as such was inapplicable, yet the ruling HDZ commended the document.

Agriculture Minister says Croatia's agricultural output on rising for five years

Zagreb - Croatia's agricultural production has not contracted, as data for the first 11 months of 2021 show that both exports and imports increased considerably, with exports increasing faster, Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković said in Parliament on Thursday.

Croatian Parliament Speaker receives Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud on Wednesday talked about intensifying Zagreb-Riyadh cooperation. 

Parliament asks Government to verify signatures for an anti-COVID referendum

Zagreb - Parliament on Friday asked the Government to verify the number and authenticity of the signatures collected for the Bridge party's referendum petitions to abolish COVID certificates and the crisis management team, and to include at least two representatives of each petition in the process.

Parliament adopts package of judicial laws

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Friday adopted a package of judicial laws as well as a report on the effects of epidemiological measures against coronavirus from 1 September to the end of December 2021.

Croatian Parliament Speaker receives Greek PM

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday held talks with the visiting Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Croatian Parliament discusses radioactive waste management

Zagreb - The problem of systematic radioactive waste management in Croatia will be resolved with the construction of a radioactive waste management facility, Žarko Katić, state secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, said in parliament on Wednesday.

Jandroković received the ambassadors to Croatia from the United Kingdom, Spain, and China

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Wednesday received the ambassadors to Croatia from the United Kingdom, Spain, and China - Simon Derek Thomas, Alonso Dezcallar De Mazarredo, and Qi Qianjin, with whom he discussed closer cooperation with their countries. 

Constitution Committee asked the Government to verify signatures for the COVID referendum

Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution and Standing Orders on Thursday asked the Government to verify the signatures collected for two referendum petitions by the opposition Bridge party and notify Parliament.

Health Minister defended in Parliament the COVID certificates, children testing

Zagreb - Health Minister Vili Beroš defended in Parliament on Thursday the COVID certificate mandate and children testing as part of the fight against the pandemic, and underlined the importance of vaccination because the tourist season could depend on it.

The Domestic Policy and National Security Committee, behind closed doors, discussed the 12 October 2020 attack on Government House

Zagreb - The Domestic Policy and National Security Committee on Wednesday convened to discuss the 12 October 2020 attack on Government House in Zagreb and the arrests of individuals over their acrimonious and insulting comments on social networks.

The Committee on Constitution distributes HRK 54.9m among parties and independent MPs

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's Committee on the Constitution and Rules of Procedure has decided on the distribution of HRK 54.9 million (€7.32m) for the work of political parties and independent members of Parliament, as provided for in this year's budget.

Parliament adopts Social Welfare Act

Zagreb - Despite criticisms from the Opposition, the Croatian Parliament on Friday passed the Social Welfare Act, which is part of a set of seven laws aimed at reforming the system.

The Finance and Central Budget Committee on HNB: Things have to change

Zagreb - Things will have to change and in the future no central bank employee should be allowed to hold or trade-in stocks or bonds of banks supervised by the central bank - this is one of the conclusions of a thematic session of the parliamentary Finance and Central Budget Committee held on Thursday.

Croatian Parliament pays tribute to Holocaust victims

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament started its session on Thursday with a minute of silence for Holocaust victims, with Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković saying that the Holocaust had begun with hate speech and ended in acts of evil.

Parliamentary committee: Climate change affects food security

Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on agriculture convened in Osijek on Wednesday to discuss the impact of climate change on food provision and cooperation with the scientific community to adapt the farm sector to that change.

Parliament discusses protection of whistleblowers

Zagreb - Members of parliament were agreed on the need to protect people reporting irregularities during a debate on a bill on the protection of whistleblowers on Tuesday, with opposition MPs citing the most famous whistleblowers and their fate.

Parliament Speaker: Referendum questions likely to be checked for constitutionality

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Monday that the parliamentary Committee on the Constitution would probably request the Constitutional Court to check the constitutionality of the referendum questions proposed by the Bridge party in its two referendum petitions.

Opposition strongly criticises social welfare reform bills

Zagreb - The parliamentary Opposition on Thursday strongly criticised a reform set of social welfare bills, saying that the opinions of professionals have not been taken into account, that the system is being unnecessarily centralised, and that there might be long-term negative consequences