
Results found: 1422
Results found: 1422

70th anniversary of breakout from Jasenovac camp commemorated

Jasenovac - Surviving former inmates, top Croatian officials, foreign ambassadors in Croatia, and many other delegations on Sunday attended a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the break-out of inmates from the Ustasha-run Jasenovac camp on 22 April 1945, paying tribute to 83,000 victims of this WW2 camp.

Croatian Parliament Speaker urges more dialogue between EU, parliaments

Rome - The Croatian Parliament positively assesses the European Commission's policy on strengthening dialogue with national parliaments, however, it believes that that dialogue should not be reduced to mere reporting but should serve as a platform for consultations on the making of European policies, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said at an annual conference of speakers of EU parliaments in Rome on Tuesday.

It's useful to include citizens in town budget planning, hears round table

Zagreb - Strengthening the trust of citizens in state institutions, fighting lethargy and attracting investments are just some of the benefits of involving citizens when preparing the budget, heard a round table discussion organised on Tuesday in parliament by the parliamentary finance and local government committee and the GONG civil society organisation.

MP says status of Roma satisfactory, but no means excellent

Zagreb - Speaking on the occasion of International Roma Day, April 8, the Roma minority member of the Croatian Parliament, Veljko Kajtazi, said that the status of Roma in Croatia was satisfactory but not excellent and called on the majority population not to regard Roma as second-class citizens.

Croatian Parliament Speaker talks Sofia visit

Sofia - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Wednesday wrapped up his trip to Bulgaria by visiting the "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia, meeting with the prorector and Croatian language students, with both sides expressing a wish to strengthen cultural and academic ties.

President and Prime Minister agree NATO values not to be taken for granted

Zagreb - Common values that NATO member countries share like peace and security, respect of human rights and democracy must not be taken for granted, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic agreed in their addresses to the parliament on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Croatia's accession to NATO.

Croatian Parliament Speaker visits Bulgaria

Sofia - Croatia and Bulgaria have several common interests over which they are in complete agreement - energy, the entry of both countries into the Schengen passport-free zone and the support of Croatia and Bulgaria for the accession of Southeast European countries to the European Union (EU) as the only guarantee of lasting peace in Europe, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said after meeting with Bulgaria's senior officials in Sofia on Monday.

Leko visits Franciscan Monastery, participates in round table in Mostar

Mostar - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Thursday visited the Franciscan Monastery in Mostar, southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he met with the guardian, Fra Iko Skoko, and visited the building site of a future student dormitory and a soup kitchen, whose construction is co-financed by the Croatian government.

Croatian Parliament Speaker extends condolences over Germanwings plane crash

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Wednesday extended condolences to his counterparts in Germany, Spain and Turkey on the death of 150 passengers and crew members of a plane operated by Lufthansa's Germanwings that crashed in France on Tuesday.

Leko, Dačić advocate intensifying Croatian-Serbian cooperation

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Wednesday received Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić and they welcomed the intensifying of the bilateral relations that were characterised by mutual visits by senior officials.

Sabor Speaker holds talks with head of Islamic community

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday received for talks the head of the Islamic community in Croatia, Aziz Hasanović, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the recognition of Islam as an official religion in Croatia.

Parliament speakers of Croatia and Poland advocate closer energy and transport ties

Warsaw - Poland and Croatia are interested in close cooperation in establishing energy and transport connections between Europe's north and south, and in close interparliamentary cooperation within European projects, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and his Polish host, Speaker of the Sejm Radoslaw Sikorski, said during their meeting in Warsaw on Tuesday.

Vice-President Katainen presents EC Investment Plan in Croatian Parliament

Zagreb - Addressing the Croatian parliament on Monday, the Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen, said that the EC's new Investment Plan was aimed at strengthening growth and job creation and that it should mobilise at least 315 billion euros in private investments over the next three years, with focus on developing communication and energy infrastructure and stimulating small and medium entrepreneurship.

Brasseur says Croatian politicians must be against intolerance, hate speech

Zagreb - Council of Europe (CoE) Parliamentary Assembly President Anne Brasseur called on Croatian politicians on Friday to speak out against a rhetoric of division and populism, intolerance and hate speech ahead of the next parliamentary election.

Croatia should ratify two CoE conventions, Brasseur says

Zagreb - Croatia has made huge progress in complying with its obligations towards the Council of Europe (CoE) but has still not ratified two conventions and this should now be a priority, CoE Parliamentary Assembly President Anne Brasseur said after talks with Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Thursday.

Deputy Finance Minister presents amendments to tax law in Parliament

Zagreb - Deputy Finance Minister Igor Radjenovic on Thursday said that measures foreseen in the General Tax Act were aimed at more efficient and economical management of tax procedures.

Anti-Corruption Council discusses prevention of corruption among MPs

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament's Anti-Corruption Council on Tuesday endorsed a report on the prevention of corruption among members of Parliament, judges and state prosecutors, and several Council members supported the idea that information on all office holders, including judges, should be published in one place, as part of efforts to prevent conflicts of interest.

Mimica presents European Commission's 2015 Work Programme in Parliament

Zagreb - European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica on Friday presented in the Croatian parliament "A New Start: The 2015 Work Programme", the first annual work programme of the new European Commission presided over by Jean-Claude Juncker.

Parliament Speaker receives delegation of women raped in war

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday received a delegation of the Women in the Homeland War association, which gave him the "Suncica" documentary, showing the testimonies of women raped by Serb paramilitaries and members of the former Yugoslav army in the 1991-95 war.

Croatian Parliament pays tribute to Holocaust victims

Zagreb - Deputy Parliament Speaker Dragica Zgrebec said on Tuesday that Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27, was a day to send a message that peace, freedom, equality, solidarity, respect for differences and the right to choice of every man, are a pledge for the future of mankind.

Forum in Prague called for zero tolerance to anti-Semitism

Prague - The fourth international forum "Let my people live" ended with the adoption of an inter-parliamentary declaration calling for zero tolerance to anti-Semitism and hate crime. Parliament speakers, including Croatia's Leko, expressed deep concern about growing verbal, Internet and physical violence against Jews, notably in Europe.

Croatian Parliament Speaker tells Prague forum democratic deficit fertile ground for extremism

Prague - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said at a conference dedicated to the fight against growing extremist ideologies in Prague on Tuesday that the democratic deficit provided a fertile ground for extremist ideologies and that only democratic solutions were the right way.

Czech Republic to adopt Croatia's fiscalisation model

Prague - The Czech Republic will adopt Croatia's model of fiscalisation, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said in Prague on Monday after meeting his Czech counterpart Jan Hamaček. - Croatia's experience with fiscalisation is one of the good things that the Czech Republic is adopting from Croatia, Leko told the press.

Parliament Speaker receives Eurochambres president

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko has received Eurochambres president Richard Weber, who is visiting Croatia at the invitation of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) and he welcomed the talks on an HGK reform.

Parliament Speaker congratulates President-elect Kolinda Grabar Kitarović

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Tuesday sent a message of congratulations to Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic on her election as President, in which he underscored that it would be his pleasure to cooperate in a completely democratic atmosphere in the fight for national interests and further strengthening of the rule of law.

Parliament Speaker announces new session of Sabor

Zagreb - This year's first regular session of parliament will start on January 21 and is scheduled to run for ten weeks, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko announced after a meeting of the parliament's presidency on Tuesday.

Croatian Parliament Speaker extends condolences to French Parliament heads

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Thursday extended his condolences to French National Assembly President Claude Bartolone and Senate President Gerard Larcher on yesterday's terrorist attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris.

Parliament Speaker Josip Leko sent his Christmas greetings to Croatian citizens

Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Josip Leko sent his Christmas greetings to Croatian citizens wishing them and all of society success and fortune.

Parliament Speaker Leko: Sabor has done proper job this year

Zagreb - In the year drawing to a close, lawmakers spent 103 days in parliament and discussed 373 items on the agenda, adopted 185 laws and parliament Speaker Josip Leko said that parliament had done a proper job this year in fulfilling its constitutional duty.

Croatian Parliament unanimously condemns Šešelj's release

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament on Wednesday formally expressed deep dissatisfaction at the decision by the Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to grant provisional release to the war crimes indictee, Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Šešelj, and called on the tribunal to withdraw its decision.

Croatian Parliament Speaker met with Qatari Prime Minister Al Thani

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said in Doha on Thursday that the Croatian government would soon form a joint economy committee with Qatar, and told Qatari officials that the investment possibilities in Croatia were big, notably in energy and tourism.

Croatia wants Qatari investments in energy, tourism

Doha - Croatia wants to attract Qatari investments, notably in energy and tourism, and Croatian construction companies have been invited to intensify their presence in Qatar, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and the Qatari emir said in Doha on Wednesday.

Leko attends conference marking 25th anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall

Berlin - The Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Josip Leko, attended a conference in Berlin on Saturday marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Leko, Hamaček underline importance of parliamentary cooperation

Zagreb - Croatia and the Czech Republic push for intensifying parliamentary cooperation, notably regarding the European policy, and for implementing the Treaty of Lisbon which envisages a stronger role for parliaments in government supervision, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and Czech Chamber of Deputies Chairman Jan Hamaček said in Zagreb on Thursday.

World Roma Language Day marked in Croatian Parliament

Zagreb - The member of Parliament representing the Roma minority, Veljko Kajtazi, said on Wednesday that a lot had been done for the Roma language in Croatia over the last three years, expressing hope that during his term in office he would manage to have the Roma language included on the list of minority languages in Croatia.

Veterans repeat their demands and walk out of conference room

Zagreb - A round table discussion on war veterans' rights in Parliament on Thursday lasted only 15 fifteen minutes as veterans repeated their demands and walked out of the conference room after introductory remarks by Parliament Speaker Josip Leko and the head of the Fully Disabled Homeland War Veterans Association, Đuro Glogoški.

Parliament Speaker visits protesting veterans

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko on Sunday afternoon visited the protesting disabled veterans who had been rallying outside the War Veterans' Ministry for seven days in a row, and called on them to come to the parliament building and discuss their problems there, while protesters' representatives responded that they would come to the Sabor only if Prime Minister Zoran Milanović relieved War Veterans Affairs' Minister Predrag Matić and his two closest associates of their duties.

Place of worship for Macedonian Orthodox faithful to be built in Zagreb

Zagreb - The foundation stone laying ceremony for the future place of worship for members of the Macedonian Orthodox Church was held in Zagreb on Sunday.

Parliament tasks government with checking outsourcing referendum signatures

Zagreb - The Croatian parliament on Friday unanimously tasked the government with checking the number and authenticity of signatures collected by unions for a referendum on passing a law that would ban the outsourcing of non-core activities in public and state services.

Croatian Parliament organised Doors Open Day

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament organised Doors Open Day on Sunday on the occasion of Independence Day, observed on October 8.

Croatian Parliament to hold an Open Day on 12 October 2014

Zagreb - To mark the Independence Day - 8 October – in memory of the legislators' unanimous decision on 8 October 1991 to sever all ties with the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with Croatia becoming a free and independent state, Citizens Service of the Croatian Parliament will be organizing the Open Day event.

Senior state officials lay wreaths to mark Independence Day

Zagreb - Senior Croatian state officials laid wreaths at Zagreb's Mirogoj Cemetery on Independence Day on Wednesday to commemorate all Croatians who had struggled for the freedom and independence of Croatia.

Croatian Parliament marks Independence Day

Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament held a special session on Wednesday to mark Independence Day.

Euro-Mediterranean Committee on Environment convenes in Zagreb

Zagreb - Environment protection, renewables in construction, sustainable tourism and the development of an eco-cities project were some of the topics on the agenda of a meeting of the Union for Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly's Committee on Energy, Environment, and Water, which convened in the Croatian parliament on Monday.

Croatian Parliament Speaker underlines importance of flood protection

Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko in Budapest on Friday pointed out the importance of implementing all flood defence projects planned by the Danube strategy and of cooperation with neighbours in water management.

Croatia to consider assisting flood-hit areas in Bosnia's Posavina region

Domaljevac-Šamac - Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Josip Leko, who is currently on a two-day visit to neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, said on Tuesday that Croatia would consider the possibility of providing assistance to municipalities in the country's northern Posavina region which were severely hit by recent floods.

Croatian Parliament Speaker: Corridor 5C to improve development prospects for Odžak

Odžak - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said in Odžak, northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Monday that the transport corridor 5C would improve development prospects for that region, announcing participation in developing projects designed to protect the area of Odžak from natural disasters such as floods that recently hit the Bosnian Sava River Valley region.

Leko says his two-day visit to Bosnia fruitful

Orašje - Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Tuesday that his tour of the Posavina area of northern Bosnia and Herzegovina was "interesting, fruitful and instructive".

Leko says Brčko District example of tolerance, coexistence

Brčko - Croatian Parliament President Josip Leko said on Monday that Brčko District in the northeast of Bosnia and Herzegovina served as an example of peaceful coexistence, announcing that he would advise Croatian business people to invest there.

Sabor Speaker says Croatia considers Bosnia to be more than friend

Tuzla - Bosnia and Herzegovina is more than a partner and neighbour for Croatia and Zagreb will help it on its path towards the European Union, Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said in Tuzla, northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Monday.