Working with EU documents - COM (2021) 784

EU Document Reference
Document Title
Prijedlog uredbe Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o automatskoj razmjeni podataka za policijsku suradnju („Prüm II”), izmjeni odluka Vijeća 2008/615/PUP i 2008/616/PUP te uredaba (EU) 2018/1726, 2019/817 i 2019/818 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća
Document Type
Proposal for a Regulation
Policy Area
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Ordinary Legislative Procedure
Delivery Date
Subsidiarity Deadline
Commission Initiative and Commission Work Programme
Prijedlog modernizacije postojeće suradnje tijela kaznenog progona unutar EU-a stvaranjem kodeksa policijske suradnje EU-a – Program rada EK za 2021.
Indirect procedures (towards Government)
Position of the Republic of Croatia
Conclusion of the European Affairs Committee
Work Programme for the Consideration of the Positions of the Republic of Croatia