Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Božo Petrov said on Thursday that exporters were the drivers of the Croatian economy and that right and brave policies must be adopted to stimulate export-oriented economic development.
Exports have helped Croatia's GDP growth the most, Petrov said at a meeting with representatives of the Lider Club of Exporters, congratulating them on that success. "Only by being export-oriented can we guarantee Croatia long term economic growth and resistance to the possible impact of recession as well as ensuring better competitiveness in the segment of know-how and technology," Petrov said. He underlined the importance of eliminating all barriers which stand in the way of export development and make doing business harder, such as excessive regulations and the inefficient and inflexible state administration.
"As a state and a parliament, we must know that our exporters have competition everywhere, mostly in countries which offer their industry support and services that are much better than those offered by the Croatian state," Petrov said. Those running the state must adopt right and brave policies to stimulate export-oriented economic development and raise awareness that exporters are the drivers of the Croatian economy, Petrov said. "Let's become aware that every job you create means an empty seat on a plane to Dublin or a bus to Munich."
Representatives of the Lider Club of Exporters spoke about the export climate and the problems encountered by exporters, among other things. There was also talk about the need to intensify the dialogue between business people, entrepreneurs and exporters and state institutions on how to solve their problems. (Hina)