Zagreb - Accessibility, employment and quality education were just some of the problems highlighted in the annual report presented to parliament on Friday by the ombudswoman for the disabled Anka Slonjšak, which was upheld unanimously by law-makers.
The report notes that the number of complaints by the disabled in 2014 had risen by 89% in comparison with 2013 and most of these referred to employment rights, welfare eligibility, health protection and education.
"This large increase in complaints can be interpreted as the result of the efficiency of the ombudsman's office in raising awareness of the disabled that they need to demand their rights, however, the fact remains that their rights are still violated," Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) MP Nada Murganić said.
Labour Party MP Dragutin Lesar warned that for the past 20 years "legal discrimination has been systematically implemented without political will to change issues concerning the disabled."
In her report Slonjšak underscores that one of the greatest problems facing the disabled is the education system.
"The majority have only primary school education, at most secondary school. A systematic solution to education for the disabled should be a priority for us all and that naturally means accessibility," Social Democratic Party (SDP) MP Ana Komparić Devčić said.