Zagreb – The Estonian Parliament is going to ratify Croatia's Treaty on the Accession to the European Union in March or April, announced Ms Ene Ergma, Speaker of the Estonian Parliament during her official visit to Croatia at the invitation of her Croatian counterpart Mr Boris Šprem.
"I can promise that the Estonian Parliament will ratify your Accession Treaty in March or April, because Estonia has always been and will always be strongly supporting the enlargement of the European Union, and because Europe without the Balkans is not Europe. It will now be your responsibility to help other countries in the region to join the EU", said Ms Ergma at the press conference held after the meeting with her host. Ms Ergma congratulated the Speaker of Sabor, the Members of the Croatian Parliament and the Croatian nation on the extensive job they had completed and on the fact that Croatia would next year become a full member of the EU.
Mr. Šprem stated for the press that he and his Estonian colleague found the relations between the two countries “very harmonious and constantly developing”. The two Speakers talked about intensifying bilateral cooperation between Croatia and Estonia, highlighting economy, information and communication technologies, defence, science and cultural exchange as potential fields for closer cooperation. Estonia is offering to share its experience in e-administration and it is also interested in introducing Croatia to the work of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence in Tallinn. "The Republic of Estonia is a remarkable information society, a country with excellent results in information technology. We would be very pleased to cooperate with Estonia in this field and provide opportunities for our young specialists to be a part of it at all levels”, said Mr. Šprem.