Zagreb - Croatia is among the fastest EU member states in meeting key milestones and targets and in receiving payments from the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF), Ivana Maletić, a member of the European Court of Auditors, said on Wednesday.
Maletić informed Croatian Parliament Speaker about the Court of Auditors' annual report for 2023, with special emphasis on the thematic reports on the Recovery and Resilience Fund and the European Union's industrial policy.
For the first time since 2017, Croatia was not included in the sample of countries for checking error rates in cohesion policy because the system was previously assessed as good and without quantified errors, she said.
Jandroković expressed his satisfaction with the positive indicators for Croatia when it comes to the use of funding from the Recovery and Resilience Fund and with the fact that Croatia had effectively met its obligations related to cohesion policy over the last six years.
He stressed the importance of the Court's independent and objective audit activities and of regularly presenting the Court's Report and Work Programme to the relevant parliamentary committees.
The European Court of Auditors' annual report for 2023, together with the separate thematic reports, will be presented in greater detail at today's joint thematic session of the parliamentary committees on finance and state budget, European affairs, regional development and EU funds, economy, and agriculture.