
Results found: 1431
Ukupno rezultata: 1431
Parliament approves participation of Croatian troops in peace missions
Zagreb - The parliament on Friday gave its consent for the deployment of Croatian troops as part of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group as well as in three peace missions in 2023 and 2024.
Croatian Parliament to hold an Open Day on 8 October 2022
Zagreb - To mark the Independence Day - 8 October – in memory of the legislators' unanimous decision on 8 October 1991 to sever all ties with the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with Croatia becoming a free and independent state, Citizens Service of the Croatian Parliament will be organizing the Open Day event. 
Sabor unanimous on improvements for pensioners
Zagreb - In addition to receiving their own personal pension, as of next year, Croatian pensioners will be able to inherit 27% of the family pension of their deceased spouse after the Sabor unanimously, with 123 votes in favour, adopted amendments to the Pension Insurance Act on Friday.
Jandroković issued greetings to Jewish believers on the occasion of Yom Kippur, Sukkot
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Wednesday issued greetings to Jewish believers on the occasion of Yom Kippur and Sukkot.
World Heart Day marked in Croatian Sabor
Zagreb - Chairwoman of the parliamentary Committee for Health and Social Policy, Renata Sabljar-Dračevac, said on Thursday that cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in the world, with 18.6 million people dying from them each year, and by the 2030s that number could grow to 23 million.
Parliamentary defence committee chair: Croatia to be free of landmines by 2026
Zagreb - The chairman of the parliamentary committee on defence, Franko Vidović, said on Tuesday that the committee had endorsed the 2026 national programme on mine clearance whereby Croatia is expected to become free of landmines by 2026.
Parliament observes minute's silence for women victims of violence
Zagreb - Parliament on Thursday observed a minute's silence on the occasion of the National Day of Combating Violence Against Women in honour of Gordana Oraškić, Hajra Prohić, Ljiljana Hvalec and other women victims of violence.
Parliament to discuss report on HERA, amendments related to euro introduction
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament will this week discuss some 60 bills related to the introduction of the euro as legal tender as well as the annual report on the work of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) in 2021, which the government has assessed as unsatisfactory.
Parliamentary economy committee rejects HERA's 2021 annual report
Zagreb - The parliamentary Committee on the Economy on Tuesday rejected the annual report by the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) for 2021, which has been assessed as unsatisfactory by the government.
Parl. committee: Draft constitutional amendments to be put to public consultation
Zagreb - Despite criticism from the opposition, the Parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System on Tuesday decided by a majority vote to put draft Constitutional amendments regarding referenda and the Constitutional Court Act to a month-long public consultation.
Government sends proposal to amend Credit Institutions Act to Parliament
Zagreb - The government sent a proposal to amend the Credit Institutions Act to Parliament on Monday ahead of the changeover to the euro, extending the catalogue of crimes being taken into consideration in assessing the suitability of shareholders and board members of credit institutions.
Parliamentary caucuses agree to postpone Question Time for 28 September
Zagreb - All sixteen parliamentary caucuses agreed on Wednesday that due to the inability of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković to attend, Question Time would be held on Wednesday, 28 September instead of Thursday, 15 September.
Croatian and Ukrainian parliament speakers talk Zagreb Crimea Platform Summit
Zagreb - The Croatian and Ukrainian parliament speakers, Gordan Jandroković and Ruslan Stefanchuk, on Monday held a video conference on plans for the first parliamentary summit of the International Crimea Platform to be held in Zagreb in October.
Jandroković: Great sacrifice made for our freedom, values and way of life
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said in Knin on Friday that Croatians had made great sacrifices for their freedom, values and way of life, and that commemorating Operation Storm was a way to remember and to teach younger generations about the importance of peace, democracy and human rights protection.
Parliament Speaker: Let Pelješac Bridge be symbol of all-Croatian unity
Zagreb- Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Tuesday that Pelješac bridge could serve as a symbol of all-Croatian unity and a symbol of Croatian strength and pride.
MPs' expenses for accommodation, travel in H1 almost same as in 2019 H1
Zagreb - Apart from their regular monthly wages, Croatia's lawmakers are also entitled to perks, such as the coverage of transport and accommodation costs, and in the first half of 2022, they were paid HRK 4.7 million for such expenses, almost close to the amount in the pre-pandemic 2019 H1 (HRK 5 million).
Sabor: Marko Primorac confirmed as new Finance Minister
Zagreb - The Sabor on Friday confirmed Marko Primorc as the new Minister of Finance with 77 votes in favour and 55 against, after former minister Zdravko Marić left the government at his own request.
Parliament amends Road Safety Act
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday amended the Road Safety Act, endorsing the government's amendments which acknowledged doctors' arguments.
Croatia ratifies NATO accession protocols for Finland and Sweden
Zagreb - The Croatian Parliament ratified, by a majority vote, the NATO accession protocols for Finland and Sweden on Friday.
Parliament decides to amend Constitution
Zagreb - Parliament decided on Friday to change the Constitution and the Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court regarding referenda, with 80 MPs voting for, while 19 were against and 11 abstained.
The parliamentary Constitution, Standing Orders, and Political System Committee supports Butković for the office of deputy PM
Zagreb - The parliamentary Constitution, Standing Orders, and Political System Committee on Thursday gave a vote of confidence in Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure Minister Oleg Butković for the office of deputy prime minister after the resignation of Finance Minister Zdravko Marić.
All but one parliamentary group back the admission of Finland and Sweden to NATO
Zagreb - The entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO was supported on Thursday by all the Croatian parliamentary groups except the group of Croatian Peasant Party (HSS) and the Workers' Front (RF) who wanted this matter to be tied to the resolution of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Peović clarifies why RF will vote against NATO accession of Finland and Sweden
Zagreb - Katarina Peović, the sole MP for the Workers' Front (RF) party, said that the reasons why her party would not vote in favour of the NATO accession of Finland and Sweden were not the same as those of the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), even though the two parties are in the same parliamentary group.
Two parliamentary committees support initiating amendment of Constitution
Zagreb - The Croatian parliament's Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System and Legislation Committee on Tuesday decided by a majority vote to start the process of amending the Constitution.
Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković extended Kurban Bayram greetings
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday extended Kurban Bayram greetings to the head of the Islamic Community in Croatia, Mufti Aziz Hasanović, and all Islamic believers, adding that this religious holiday highlights the importance of understanding and solidarity.
Dubrovnik Forum: Tectonic changes in the global economy due to Ukraine war, Jandroković says
Zagreb - The war in Ukraine has caused tectonic changes in the global economy with a massive negative impact, notably in Europe due to the sanctions against Russia, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said at the Dubrovnik Forum on Saturday.
Sabor adopts law on cultural councils and financing public needs in culture
Zagreb - The Sabor adopted the Law on Cultural Councils and Financing Public Needs in Culture on Friday by a majority vote. The law regulates the financing of public needs in culture, the allocation of premises for cultural and artistic activities, the establishment and role of cultural councils and the work of the national council for culture, as well as the issue of decision-making on financial resources.
Sabor holds commemoration for Srebrenica victims
Zagreb - A commemoration was held in the Croatian Parliament on Wednesday on the occasion of 11 July, Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day, and the 27th anniversary of the atrocity, with the unanimous message that it must never happen again to anyone.
Sabor amends laws on government, State Attorneys Council, State Judicial Council
Zagreb - The Sabor on Friday by a majority vote amended the Government Act as well as the State Attorneys Council Act (DOV) and the State Judicial Council Act (DSV).
The annual report of the Petitions and Complaints Committee endorsed
Zagreb - Croatian lawmakers on Friday endorsed the report on the work of the Petitions and Complaints Committee for 2021, warning that the question of the slowness of court proceedings has been the constant in these reports.
Parliament amends Criminal Procedure Act
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday adopted amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act aimed at modernising, simplifying, and expediting court proceedings. The amendments were supported by 79 MPs, while ten abstained and 37 were against.
Parliament Speaker issued message on Independence Day
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Saturday issued his message commemorating 25 June 1991 when the Croatian Parliament passed a declaration proclaiming the sovereignty and independence of Croatia.
Parliament Speaker: Values of Anti-Fascism incorporated in Constitution, Declaration
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Wednesday congratulated Croatian citizens on Anti-Fascist Struggle Day, saying the values of Anti-Fascism were built into the fundamentals of Croatia's Constitution and the Declaration on Anti-Fascism.
Sabor debates proposal on open-end investment funds with public offering
Zagreb - Lawmakers on Tuesday discussed the government's bill of amendments to the Law on Open-End Investment Funds with a Public Offering.
Opposition more pleased with Civil Procedure Act than Criminal Procedure Act
Zagreb - The Croatian parliamentary opposition had far fewer objections to proposed amendments to the Civil Procedure Act (ZPP) than it had earlier to amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act (ZKP) and was interested in when courtrooms would be ready to introduce the mandatory audio recording of proceedings.
Committee on health: Yes to conscientious objection, but without violation of patients' rights
Zagreb - Members of the parliamentary Committee on health and social policy on Friday had a constructive discussion on conscientious objection, not disputing doctors' right to it, however, some participants in the discussion stressed that it must not jeopardise women's right to pregnancy termination.
Sabor amended the Law on Vocational Education and adopted the Law on the Recognition and Evaluation of Foreign Educational Qualifications
Zagreb - The Croatian Sabor on Friday amended the Law on Vocational Education and adopted the Law on the Recognition and Evaluation of Foreign Educational Qualifications.
Parliament amends the law on the right to access information
Zagreb - Parliament on Friday amended by majority vote the law on the right to access information, which says that the public sector and public law bodies must respond to information access requests.
Opposition calls for withdrawal of road traffic safety draft bill
Zagreb - A few Opposition parliamentary clubs on Wednesday demanded that the draft bill on road traffic safety should be withdrawn from the procedure due to the provision envisaging that family doctors should have a decisive say in whether a driver is able to drive or not.
The Interior Ministry State Secretary: No new obligation is being introduced for doctors
Zagreb - The Interior Ministry State Secretary Žarko Katić defended the final bill on road traffic safety in the Sabor on Wednesday, saying that it is aimed at reducing the number of traffic accidents and that no new obligations are being introduced for doctors.
The opposition says Croatia has poor results in EU funds absorption
Zagreb - Ahead of a parliamentary debate on a report on the use of EU funds and aid programmes in the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021, Members of Parliament on Friday warned about poor results in the absorption of money from EU funds. 
Sabor supported the draft amendments to the Law on Transboundary Movement and Trade in Wild Species
Zagreb - Lawmakers in the Sabor on Thursday supported the draft amendments to the Law on Transboundary Movement and Trade in Wild Species, warning that the annual value of international wildlife trafficking is estimated at billions of euros.
Parliament Speaker issues Statehood Day message
Zagreb - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday congratulated citizens on Statehood Day, saying that 30 May 1990 was deep in the memory of the Croatian people as it had been one of the key steps in the realisation of the independent, free, and democratic Croatian state.
2022 revised budget adopted
Zagreb - The parliament on Friday passed by a majority vote a revised budget for 2022, whereby the expenditure side will increase by HRK 10.9 billion to HRK 184.7 billion and the revenues will go up by 6.6 billion to HRK 171 billion.
Jandroković reassures Ukrainian official of Croatia's continuing support
Zagreb  - Croatia supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and will continue providing Kyiv with humanitarian, political and technical assistance, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Thursday in Zagreb at a meeting with a deputy chair of the Verkhovna Rada, Olena Kondratiuk.
The plan is to clear Croatia of mines by 2026, Parliament hears
Zagreb - Seven Croatian counties are assumed to still contain left-over mines and the plan is to clear the whole country by early 2026, Interior Ministry state secretary Žarko Katić said in Parliament on Thursday, presenting demining reports for 2020 and 2021.
Deputy Parliament Speaker, academician Reiner elected to Academia Europaea
Zagreb - Deputy Parliament Speaker and prominent Croatian scientist, academician Željko Reiner has been elected as a member of the European Academy of sciences and arts Academia Europaea. 
Parliament Speaker receives representative of ethnic Croats in Serbia
Zagreb - Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Thursday received the leader of the Democratic Alliance of Vojvodina Croats (DSHV), Tomislav Žigmanov. 
MPs say electric cars and their charging are too expensive for Croatians
Zagreb - Members of Parliament on Thursday welcomed the establishment of infrastructure necessary for charging alternative cars, and they warned that the number of electric cars in Croatia was modest, their charging expensive, and their prices too high for ordinary Croatians.
State budget revision: Funds for reconstruction not decreased but increased, Finance Minister tells lawmakers
Zagreb - Speaking in the Sabor on Wednesday, Finance Minister Zdravko Marić denied claims by some opposition MPs that allocations for post-earthquake reconstruction had been decreased in the 2022 budget revision was decreasing allocations for reconstruction.