Dario Zurovec (Dario Zurovec - NL)
Born on 25 November 1986 in Zagreb. Graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. Acquired a postgraduate specialist degree in economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb - Master of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, university specialist in economics.
Deputy Club of the independent MPs
Phone: +385 1 4569 515; +385 1 6303 273
e-mail: klubnezavisni-fokus@sabor.hr
Begin of parliamentary mandate:
Changes during parliamentary mandate:
Party affiliation:
Deputy club:
Parliamentary functions:
- Member Physical Planning and Construction Committee (from 24 May 2024)
- Member Committee on Maritime Affairs, Transportation and Infrastructure (from 24 May 2024)
- Member Interparliamentary Co-operation Committee (from 24 May 2024)
- Deputy Head of Delegation Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (from 24 May 2024)
Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:
Elected from the list of the:
- Focus and Res Publica