Zagreb - Most participants in Monday's session of three parliamentary committees on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and Canada said they expected and wanted the Croatian parliament to be among the first to ratify it, but representatives of unions and Green Action said the public was insufficiently informed about CETA and that a public discussion should be held about it.
The session was held by the European Affairs Committee, the Committee on the Economy and the Foreign Policy Committee. CETA was presented by Pierre Pettigre, the Canadian prime minister's special envoy for the agreement. Also present were the head of the European Commission Representation in Croatia, Branko Baričević, representatives of unions, business people's associations and Green Action.
The European Parliament approved the signing of CETA on February 15. Transitional application should begin on April 1 and last until CETA is ratified in all national EU parliaments, when it will go into force. CETA is expected to increase the exchange of services, commodities and investments between Canada and the EU, and repeal nearly all customs duties between the two sides. (Hina)