Parliament: Support for initiative to declare National Psychologists' Day

Zagreb – Members of the Croatian Parliament on Friday unanimously welcomed the initiative to declare 14 March as National Psychologists' Day, emphasising the need to destigmatise the seeking of psychological support and assistance.

The initiative was launched by the Croatian Psychological Chamber and submitted to the parliamentary Health and Social Policy Committee, which endorsed it and proposed it to Parliament.

By declaring 14 March as National Psychologists' Day, the aim is to highlight the importance of psychologists and mental health care, popularise psychology and raise awareness of the importance of preventing mental health issues. It also aims to raise public awareness about the need to destigmatise the seeking of psychological support and assistance, and to emphasise the role of psychologists in supporting the population, particularly during times of crisis, Ljubica Lukačić (Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ) said on behalf of the proposers.

The date of 14 March was chosen because in 2003, the Croatian Parliament passed the first Psychological Practice Act, which regulated the profession of psychology.

"This can be a step forward because we can highlight the vital contribution of psychologists to the mental health of the entire society, particularly children and young people," said Marin Miletić (Bridge), advocating the employment of psychologists in every school in Croatia.

"Psychologists are needed wherever people are," emphasised Urša Raukar Gamulin (We Can!). "They are essential in hospitals and clinics, kindergartens, schools and universities, social welfare centres, the judiciary and so on," she added.

However, Raukar Gamulin argued that the day should be called National Day of Female and Male Psychologists in the interest of equality and because there are significantly more women in the profession. "We insist that the name of the day be either Day of Female and Male Psychologists or Day of Psychological Support," she said.

Puljak: We need to send the message that seeking help is not weakness but courage

The significance of psychologists in preserving the mental health of society was also highlighted by Irena Dragić (Social Democratic Party) and Marijana Puljak (Centre).

"Declaring a national day is not just a symbolic act, but an opportunity to openly and without shame speak about mental health, to send the message that seeking help is not a weakness, but courage, to raise awareness and remove the stigma from those who need psychological and psychiatric support," said Puljak.

Željko Glavić (HDZ) particularly pointed out the role of psychologists in clinical medicine. In hospitals, it is unimaginable to treat a range of illnesses without a psychologist being part of the team, he said.

Author: Hina