Martina Dalić (NZ)
Born on 12 November 1967 in Velika Gorica. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, where she also acquired her Master of Science degree in Economics. She obtained her PhD from the Faculty of Economics in Split.
Begin of parliamentary mandate:
End of parliamentary mandate:
Changes during parliamentary mandate:
the MP resigned on 15 July 2015; her substitute is Željko Plazonić
the suspension of the MP's term of office started on 22 December 2011
the suspension of the MP's term of office ended on 23 December 2011
on 22 September 2014 the MP ceased to be the member of Croatian Democratic Union and commenced performing MP duties as Independent Member of the Parliament
Party affiliation:
Previous parliamentary functions:
- Deputy Chairperson Finance and Central Budget Committee (from 18 January 2012 to 27 February 2015)
- Member European Affairs Committee (from 12 July 2013 to 29 May 2015)
- Member Committee on the Economy (from 18 January 2012 to 15 July 2015)
- Member Interparliamentary Co-operation Committee
- Member European Integration Committee (from 18 January 2012 to 1 July 2013)
- Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the NATO
- Member Delegation to the Parliamentary Committee for stabilization and accession (Croatia - EU Joint Parliamentary Committee)
- Deputy Member Supervisory Board of the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Elected from the list of the:
- Croatian Democratic Union