11th term of the Croatian Parliament (16 May 2024)

Stephen Nikola Bartulica (DP)

Bartulica, Stephen Nikola

Born on 23 May 1970, St. Joseph, Missouri, USA. Graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA – Master of Political Science. Obtained a doctoral degree at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, in the field of political philosophy and ethics; university teacher.

Deputy Club of the Homeland Movement
Phone: +385 1 4569 414
Fax: +385 1 4569 473
e-mail: klub.domovinski.pokret@sabor.hr 

Begin of parliamentary mandate:

16 May 2024

Party affiliation:

Parliamentary functions:

Elected from the list of the:

  • Homeland Movement, Law and Justice, Democratic Croatian Peasant Party, Green List and Agramers – Independent List
