8th term of the Croatian Parliament (28 December 2015 - 14 October 2016)

Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the NATO

About permanent delegation

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly is an international organization serving the role of an inter-parliamentary advisory body within the NATO Alliance.

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly is made up of 257 delegates from the 28 NATO member countries, delegates from 13 countries with the status of associated members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, 4 delegations from Mediterranean countries (as associated members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly) and 8 parliamentary delegations with observer status. 

When the Republic of Croatia joined the NATO Alliance on April 1, 2009, the Delegation of the Croatian Parliament to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly was given the status of a fully-fledged delegation within the Assembly.

The Delegation of the Croatian Parliament to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has five members and, pursuant to the Standing Orders of the Croatian Parliament, the status of the working body of Parliament.
