5th term of the Croatian Parliament (22 December 2003 - 11 January 2008)

Scope of work

The Commission for Conflict of interest is appointed by the Croatian Parliament for the purpose of the implementation of the Act.

The Commission acts on the basis of the Act on the prevention of conflict of interest in the exercise of public office and other provisions, good customs, political responsibility and officials’ credibility. The Commission passes a decision on whether a certain activity is in compliance with the principles of public office. It is done on a demand of an official or other person. The Commission passes a decision whether a certain activity or negligence represents a violation of the provisions of the Act. Citizens can anonymously, if they wish so, report their suspect on conflict of interest to the Commission.

The Commission comprises eleven members, who elect a President among them. Six members of the Commission are from among the ranks of members of the Croatian Parliament, while the other five members are from among the ranks of distinguished public persons. Members of the Commission are appointed for a term of seven years. Exceptionally, members of the Commission from among the ranks of members of the Croatian Parliament are elected to a term that corresponds to the duration of their mandates in the Croatian Parliament. A member of the Commission may be re-appointed only once.


Deputy Chairperson


Zlata Đurđević, Ph. D.
Zorislav Antun Petrović
Deša Mlikotin Tomić, Ph. D.